<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
no question you are correct about Tangs existing in small tanks, a shark can be kept in a small tank too, you could even be kept in a closet.
Steve.....hysterically laughing
. How did you know I live in my closet
. I agree with you, certain fish should not be kept in small aquariums (diff. def. of small tanks).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
The point is not just keeping our livestock alive, but giving them some sort of quality of life. A Tang is a schooling fish that lives his life roaming over miles, not 4'.
Yes I agree that we should provide the highest quality of life possible
. This is a whole different issue
Some tangs school in large groups as they roam the reef, some tangs maintain territories (larger then our tanks), and some cruise the reefs in trio's or small pods, etc. Juveniles also display different behaviors due to many factors on the reef.
Hopefully, most of the tangs we should be keeping are juveniles (ship better, handle capture / stress better, adapts to prepared foods better, etc.). Better yet is an aquacultured tang. These can be maintained for years as they grow in our aquaiums.
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Before you ask, my stocking for my 180 gallon reef is: 2-Percula clowns, 3-Citron Gobies, and 2-Banggai Cardinals.
Nice collection! I like the Citron's. I have one myself in my 200 gallon reef along with a Golden Angel, Hawaiian Flame wrasse, 2 female Mandarins - getting large & probably should be exchanged for little ones again
, 2 Bang. Cards - soon to go to a friends - both males, neon gobie, red head gobie and a couple I can't positively id and a 2.5" Unicorn tang - who is being eyed by a friend & I might give him up for a different tang.
Also, Steve - sorry I didn't answer you question on the 03 post - business tr1p.
Tough question...answer would be yes & no, its impossible to really answer as each aquarist experience is different and each has their own type of aquarium environment they like to maintain.