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So Cruiser.. what is your thoughts as to easier tangs to have? My favorite is the flagtail/blue/royal tang.
Best wishes


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Thanks for the input. I am convinced that the tangs were underfed. I am to blame for not researching the issue more. Both tangs looked "normal" to me up until their deaths. I am confident now that I have never actually seen a "well fed tang" since mine both looked fatter than the ones at the LFS (I know, shame on me for using the LFS as the norm)

Any direction you all could give on further reading would be appreciated. Anyone recommend a book on saltwater fish care (all my books are on reef aquaria in general or on coral care) that would have an encyclopedia-approach to listing fish and their needs (similar possibly to Sprung's "Corals: A reference Guide")?

Thanks again for all the input.



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esmithii--If you want healthy tangs, they need food to graze on 24/7. I feed mine 1/2 of a full sheet of nori daily, and sometimes a full sheet (when I'm feeling generous...
). They always finish it off every day. I've got 2 yellows, a Red Sea purple and a Kole in my 180. They are visiting the algae clip to graze all the time.

When I first got my tangs (I added the two yellows and the purple at the same time), I was trying to feed conservatively because I didn't want to overfeed. I was feeding about 1/4 to 1/6 of a sheet daily. Within a week, I noticed that their bellies were looking sunken. I emailed Fenner and he said they need nori to graze on all day long like they do in the wild. So I started putting as much in as they could finish off in 24 hours. Now they're all fat and happy.

Just get yourself an algae clip and start by putting 1/2 sheet per day in and go from there. If he's not finishing it off in a day, then go to 1/3 sheet, etc., until you find out how much he'll eat. But always keep it available for him, and you should be fine.

BTW, I soak mine in Selcon for about 30 min before putting it in the tank. I noticed you had asked about vitamins in the post above...


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My thoughts on tangs....

The Zebrasoma tangs....Yellow, Purple, Black, Brown, etc...are the easiest to maintain.

The Naso tangs -> Unicorn, Blonde, Naso, Orange shoulder, etc.... <- would be next.
These tangs are also just as easy to maintain as the Zebrasoma tangs.

Slightly more difficult to keep are the "Bristle Mouth" tangs.....Kole, Chevron, etc....These type of tangs require more constant suppliy of vegetable/crustacean(micro)type diet, and can scrape their mouth raw..leading to infection.

Other difficult tangs include paracanthurus......Blue Tang, which is generally due to poor condition of the available stock in LFS & Diet. Ancanthurus tangs.....Convict, Clown(blue line), Achillies, Powder Blue, etc.....which seem to susceptible to desease / stress from shipping, questionable LFS environments, dietary requirements......I also consider the "mimic" tangs in this category, but, they are great little tangs.

Of course, this just generalization over years of experience, and each aquarists husbandry skills are different....I've seen fat & happy Clown tangs in 30g tanks to wasting away - lateral line stressed Yellow tangs in large tanks.

Q: Blue tangs are good looking great tangs. Try to get an aquacultured one if possible, and make sure it is very fat in the stomach area and area behind the head - it should not have any concave shape / appearence.
Feed a variety of vegetable diet, provide LR for grazing, and other vegi/meat foods, all which can be soaked with vitamins.

Just my opinion....flame retardant suit on


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I have forty yellow tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens), 10 Powder blue tangs (Acanthurus leucosternon), two brown tangs (Zebrasoma scopas), 13 pacific blue tangs (Paracanthurus hepatus), 4 whiteface tangs (Acanthurus japonicus), and two Red Sea Purple tangs (Zebrasoma xanthurus)...
I feed them two whole heads of Romaine lettuce a day, and sometimes more. The reason I feed Romaine lettuce is because dried seaweed disintegrates with time and if it is roasted it has little nutritional value. If you are bent on dried seaweed, get the 'dried seaweed' because that has nutritional value. If you gain the courage to try another tang, use Romaine for a couple of days...The good thing about it is that it will remain in your system intact and not float around and rot in your filters...My tangs take 6 hours to graze the romaine down to a stump, and they are almost all healthy and plump. Try it out!! Don't be afraid to try tangs again...just make SURE you get a healthy tang with good colouration and an alert manner!

good luck



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
no question you are correct about Tangs existing in small tanks, a shark can be kept in a small tank too, you could even be kept in a closet.

Steve.....hysterically laughing
. How did you know I live in my closet
. I agree with you, certain fish should not be kept in small aquariums (diff. def. of small tanks).

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
The point is not just keeping our livestock alive, but giving them some sort of quality of life. A Tang is a schooling fish that lives his life roaming over miles, not 4'.

Yes I agree that we should provide the highest quality of life possible
. This is a whole different issue

Some tangs school in large groups as they roam the reef, some tangs maintain territories (larger then our tanks), and some cruise the reefs in trio's or small pods, etc. Juveniles also display different behaviors due to many factors on the reef.

Hopefully, most of the tangs we should be keeping are juveniles (ship better, handle capture / stress better, adapts to prepared foods better, etc.). Better yet is an aquacultured tang. These can be maintained for years as they grow in our aquaiums.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
Before you ask, my stocking for my 180 gallon reef is: 2-Percula clowns, 3-Citron Gobies, and 2-Banggai Cardinals.

Nice collection! I like the Citron's. I have one myself in my 200 gallon reef along with a Golden Angel, Hawaiian Flame wrasse, 2 female Mandarins - getting large & probably should be exchanged for little ones again
, 2 Bang. Cards - soon to go to a friends - both males, neon gobie, red head gobie and a couple I can't positively id and a 2.5" Unicorn tang - who is being eyed by a friend & I might give him up for a different tang.

Also, Steve - sorry I didn't answer you question on the 03 post - business tr1p.
Tough question...answer would be yes & no, its impossible to really answer as each aquarist experience is different and each has their own type of aquarium environment they like to maintain.



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I have a sailfin tang in a 4' tank, with a sump on reverse daylight photoperiod. Every few days i swap one of the algae covered rocks from the sump with one in the main tank. Between the tang and the urchin in the tank (trying to breed Bangaii Cardinals) they clean off the rock, repeat when necessary.



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joggins:
<STRONG>I have forty yellow tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens), 10 Powder blue tangs (Acanthurus leucosternon), two brown tangs (Zebrasoma scopas), 13 pacific blue tangs (Paracanthurus hepatus), 4 whiteface tangs (Acanthurus japonicus), and two Red Sea Purple tangs (Zebrasoma xanthurus)...</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Next thing ya know, you're going to tell us that you're keeping all these in a 55!


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I think I'll pass on my blue tang and get a brown one, if I can find one fairly small. It looks healthy and happy, but I've had him for a long time. Thanks for the suggestions, the only less reef-safe and more difficult fish I absolutely want is my clown sweetlips & he is doing wonderfully. Otherwise, I'll stick to my maroon clown and those hardier fish.


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Cruiser I am very sorry to hear that you keep tangs in small tanks.
With the greatest respect I think that is irresponsible.


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Joe, no question you are correct about Tangs existing in small tanks, a shark can be kept in a small tank too, you could even be kept in a closet. The point is not just keeping our livestock alive, but giving them some sort of quality of life. A Tang is a schooling fish that lives his life roaming over miles, not 4'. And before you ask, my stocking for my 180 gallon reef is: 2-Percula clowns, 3-Citron Gobies, and 2-Banggai Cardinals.


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Excellent info! Thanks for the responses. I have heard differeing things about the nutritional content of romaine lettuce, but I suppose the proof is in the pudding (Joggins: Thanks for the input!) Anyone else care to share successful feeding routines? Anyone with input on the book suggestions?



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I use the nori which I buy at Costco from the Asian section. Is this the dry seaweed that has little nutrition that you are speaking about? I also use romaine daily.
I have one of each of the following: Mimic, sailfin, blue, yellow, unicorn and Powder Brown.


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Why is it taking until december for your new stand to be built? If that is true you need to go to someone that can do the job on time. I dont take that long to build them. Mine take 3 - 5 weeks usually from time of order to shipping.


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I lost two yellow tangs, each about 3"-3.5" in length, snout to end of tail and one small hippo tang which was closer to 2" in length.

Water parameters have been stable for a while and the tank has been established over 18 months now (I know that is fairly new)

I think all three we aquired at the LFS (I am sure about two of the three.)




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My Atlantic Blue Tang in my 120g is extremely fat. prior to my turf algae problems I was feeding this tang 1/2 sheet of Nori a day. I cut back as I noticed him grazing on all the turf algae that I want to get rid of. Now he gets the Nori every few days, the rest of the time he is constantly grazing my turf algae, since it is covering everything and he is very fat and healthy I feel fine about cutting back on the Nori. He gets meaty feedings with all the other fish every other day and gets live brine 3x's per week. I feed a wide variety of foods in small quantities throughout each week. There are actually days where the fish do not get fed. Every fish is fat and happy, including my fathead anthias. I try to get this fish a little snack everyday as they need to feed often. Some days I'll put a little flake in the morning and a larger feeding at night. Your tangs were definately starving from the sounds of it. I rarely see a tang in a lfs as fat as my guy
. I have had to cut back on my feedings a bit and be more careful about it with the turf algae problem, but I just target feed more carefully and make sure the scavengers are getting enough as well. Sounds like your 180g will be great for a tang.

Marty M

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There is an excellent book with basic information about suitability, care, and feeding of the 500 most popular saltwater fish .It's titled A Pocket Expert Guide Marine fishes by Scott Michael. He is a highly regarded expert.
Are you sure your fish were disease free? How big were they when you bought them? I'm skeptical that you could unintentionally starve your fish to death. It's more likely that they all died from the same disease; one that your other fish are immune to.


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I will chime in on this for what it is worth.

I have a yellow tang in a 38 gallon high tank with a 15 gallon sump.

Water quality is an issue if you have a smaller tank.

Don't just go putting a 1/2 sheet of nori in your tank, unless you like cleaning unnecessary sludge out of your protein skimmer. Start small and get used to what your tang will consume. If it goes to waste, it will cause you other problems.

Personally, I don't keep shushi hanging in my tank constantly. I feed it two to three times a week. The Singapore eats it too. I want them to graze on the algea. If I spoil them with sushi all the time, they won't eat the algea in my tank.

My tang and singapore also eat spirulina flake food. They seem to be doing very well on it and it has allowed me to back off a bit on the sushi. I don't like cleaning the clumps of sludge out of my skimmer's riser tube.

If you can keep a small garden outside, your tang will love fresh spinach and leaf lettuce. They will eat Romain lettuce but I think spinach and leaf lettuce have more value. Get some fresh broccoli.

Boil some water in the microwave. Take a broccoli floret and dip it into the water to "blanch" the florets. Hang this on your clip. Your tang will love it. Again, you don't want this stuff rotting in your tank, so start small. Broccoli will stink up the water if it is in there too long. The fish will only eat the florets. Take the stalk out when it is cleaned off.

My tang a the most agressive fish in the tank. I also have a Cinimon Clown, an Singapore Angel and a Pearly Jawfish. All of these fish have been in this tank for over a year, except for the recently added jawfish.

The tang has lots of crevices in the live rock to swim through and a clear area along the top to swim. He likes a place to sleep at night and has picked his own area in the rock.

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