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Will be setting up my reef soon and was wondering if anyone was using these 175W bulbs? Was planning to go with a retro with 2 German 14k Mh 175w from Hamilton and 2 55W PC smartbulbs (half atinic and daylight). Will be mounted 12 inches up in canopy on 60 gallon tank. Is this too little or overkill? Thanks for any replies in advance!


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Hi Vinman,

I have a similar set-up on my 29 gallon. I have 175 watt 10k (German Ushio) and two 32 watt SmartLites. I got the SmartLite retro kits for a good price (~$45.00 each). In the future when I replace the SmartLite PC bulbs I will probably just use 03 actinics.

For your tank I might consider 250 watt MH. The price difference is nominal, and I think it would be better for that size tank. Of course that is really dependant on what type of corals/clams you want to keep. Some might even recommend a 400 watt, but I think a 250 would serve you well. I really like the 10K German bulb (Ushio) and would recommend that for you. I think the output on the 14K is a bit too blue, and the PAR is lower as I recall on the higher kelvin bulbs (double check that). You could even go with a 6500K and straight 03 actinics on the PCs. Many options!!

There was a GREAT thread recently that showed pictures of the various bulbs in action. You might want to look for that!

Best of Luck!


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Darwin, thanks for the info. I did see that thread in fact with the sample pics of various bulbs. He was using a 12k, I was just curious as to the 14k. You think 175W might be too weak 12 inches up in the canopy?


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I was using 14k bulbs until recently. they were a little to blue for me so I added 2x55 watt 6500 pc to add more light and soften the blue. I am now using Ushio 10k MH and actinic PC bulbs. I like this set up very much and will continue with it. It gives off a very bright ( for dual 175s) white light with a blue tint. IMO a very pleasing appearance.



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
You think 175W might be too weak 12 inches up in the canopy?

I don't neccesarily think the 175 watt will be too weak, but that could depend on what animals you wish too keep. I guess the biggest point is that for the cost difference (about $10.00 for the ballast and maybe $10.00 - $20.00 for the bulb) I think it would be money well spent. I kinda wish I had gotten a 250 watt for my 30 gallon. It gives you greater upgradability as well. Lets say two years down the road you decide on an even bigger tank (I call that evolution in the reef biz, happens to us all) the 250's will serve you much better than 175s. Bottom line a couple more bucks now and possible big savings in the future. Think of it as an investment in the future. Just a thought!! Best of Luck!


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Purple, I too thought about that afterwards, I figure to go with actually German 10k 175W bulbs and atinic 7100k Pc 55Ws. Thanks for pretty much confirming what I felt I should do. By the way do you have any pics up that depict the light you have?


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I'll post a pic of my tank later today and one of the old set up if I can find one. Wife has digital camera and is out of town until later today.



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Mouse, I wonder what my electric bill will be here in Southern California with the
1000 watt lighting you are talking about!

Purple, thanks for those pics. I think I'm gonna go with the german 10k with 2 55W 7100k Pc atinic bulbs from Hamilton!


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I was recently faced with this dilema and chose to go with the dual 250watt PFO ($345 complete, new retro kit) magnetic ballast with Iwaski 6500k bulbs after reading a comparison article in "Marine Reef - 2001 Annual" magazine. I also noticed that this combo is cheaper than some 175watt dual set-ups. I am running these for clam and sps (with 2x96 actinic PC's on 80 gal), so my situation is probably different, but the article was very convincing with its data.

To sumarize, all the 175 watt systems tested had a measured light output ("photosynthetic photon flux density" PPFD; larger number is better) of less than 63.41 PPFD with an efficiency rating of 10%-31%. The 250 watt system was less than 124.3 PPFD with an effiency of 35%-41%. In general, the 6500k bulbs will be more efficient and have higher PPFD than the 10,000k bulbs with the same wattage ballast in use (except the Venture bulb which did terrible). So the comaparison of the 250watt 6500k bulb to the 10,000k 175 watt system is a bit skewed, but the effeciency rating tells the story since this is a percentage of power input to power output (PAR/power).

Specific Results:
175watt 10,000k Ushio lamp w/ magnetic ballast (PFO,Magnatek)= 63.41 PPFD; Effeciency = 31.7%.
Same bulb with 175watt Bluline ballast = 49.54 PPFD; Effeciency = 30%.

175watt 5500k Venture lamp w/ magnetic ballast = 20.10 PPFD; Effeciency = 10.6%.
Same bulb w/ Blueline ballast = 24.67 PPFD; Effeciency = 14.6%

250watt 6500k Iwaski lamp w/ magnetic ballast = 124.3 PPFD; Effeciency = 40.3%.
Same bulb with Ice Cap ballast = 99.8 PPFD; Effeciency = 41%.
Same bulb with Blueline ballast = 90.7 PFD; Efficiency = 35.9%.

In conclusion (my interpretation of the testing, similar to the opinion of the author), the IceCap ballasts are bulb specific and got hammered, much to my surprise, in most of the testing catagories (the results of the 400 watt ballasts were omitted). The archeaic magnetic ballasts performed the best in terms of PPFD, while the electronic ballasts (Blueline, Icecap) required less input power (lower electric bill), but were not necessarily more energy efficient.
Some data was excluded because of leghth, but I would strongly recommend that you pick up an issue of this magazine (released this month) and read, read, read!!! You will be amazed at the results and will be able to save lots of time and money by buying smart, not to mention at someone elses expense. I'm sure that test was not cheap to conduct!


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Cerreta, thanks for the info. I will pick up that mag you are talking about to make the best choice!


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Vinman, definitely go with german 10000K bulbs instead of the 14K. I had a 175w 14000K bulb, and was never happy with the purplish-blue color it gave off. You are better off with 10000K, they are much brighter than the 14000K, in my opinion.

Your tank is probably 20" or less, so 175 should be fine. The nice thing about a 175w setup is that the bulbs are really cheap right now. Marine Depot usually carries the 10000K german bulb for around $70, and Jeff's exotic fish has them for $60 to his fish club members.

I run 175w german 10000K on my 80g, which is close to 2' tall. I can keep pretty much anything in my tank, even on the substrate. I thought about going with a higher wattage setup, but the added bulb replacement expense, electricity, and heat turned me off.

Good luck,


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