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So I was finally able to get another Blue Linkia
The LFS got it in with their order. I took it right home(they did not acclimate). NOW it has not moved in 24hrs
I acclimated this thing for 8.2 hours...with a slow drip! It moved around the glass for a while before moving to the floor...then it stopped moving
From what I read...it looked perfect. No white areas,tenticles out,moving around the bag. Arrg...I find this extremly frustrating

Should I put on gloves and try to move it? I don't want to muck up the water
Did I miss something? TIA...


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You should leave it alone.

My 3 month old blue lincka does just what you are describing. He moves around and then can remain stationary for a long time.

It will move when it needs to eat some more. This starfish relies on surface film of bacteria and diatoms to survive. It cannot eat flakes, chunks, or anything in the water.



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Yes, I agree. Don't worry about him not moving. I have one and he is doing very well. They can remain in the same spot for long periods of time. This is just what they do. Also, give it some time to adjust to its new environment. You may not see the little fella too often either. They come out at night. Good luck with him.

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