I'm not familiar with this particular skimmer, so I can't help you with specifics, but only with generalities.
First, are you getting lots of bubbles in the reaction chamber? If you're not, then you need to increase the air flow into the skimmer. As long as you're getting bubbles in there, you should be getting SOME skimmate, assuming the water level in the skimmer is adjusted properly. If your air flow is opened up all the way and you're not getting a good white mixture of air and water in the reaction chamber, you might need to add an air pump to the air intake line.
There should be a valve or some other way to adjust the level of the water in the skimmer. Try this--adjust the water level so that the water with the bubbles in it is about 1/3 of the way up the riser tube. You should definitely get some weak skimmate with the level adjusted that high. Then gradually adjust the water level lower until you get skimmate of the consistency you want.
The picture of this skimmer doesn't tell me much about how this one works. Is it a venturi skimmer? Which of the tubes is the intake and which is the outflow?
One possibility is that the pump is too powerful and is pulling water/air through the skimmer so quickly that there's not enough contact time. I know on my skimmer (a TF1000 on a 180G tank) I have to slow the flow down to about 200 gph to get good skimming action. If I open up the flow too fast, the bubbles never have time to get to the top of the reaction chamber and "foam" before they get washed out of the skimmer.
So, first, get a good air/water mix--lots of bubbles so that the mixture inside the skimmer just looks "white." Then adjust the level of the water in the skimmer. And try throttling back the pump or using a smaller pump for more contact time.
Good air/water interface + proper level adjustment + adequate contact time = good skimming. If one of these three is missing, you won't get much skimmate. So look at these three areas.
Also, if this doesn't help and you don't get any other replies, you might post a new thread that includes the brand and model of your skimmer in the subject line, because certainly there will be people on the board that have experience with it, but that perhaps haven't looked at this particular thread.