Theres also some red furry stuff growing on the live rocks in varous areas. More info? it just looks like furr and its black. im seeing more and more of it on the rocks.
Mike touch the red and black fuzz. If it feels slimy you need to get it out.
Cyanobacteria is a natuaral occuring bloom but it has the potential to get out of hand quickly and kill your livestock.
Two ways to get it out. one is to use air line tubing and siphon it out.
There is a product called slime away that is supposed to be reef safe and people have used it and said they have had no ill effects. I personaly have never had a cyano bloom and never used the product.
I've taken some of the red stuff out b4 and i dont know what it feels like really, but its not a slime feeling. more like some sort of "material" like thread. but even if it isnt cynobacteria, seems to me this algae could choke out my clove polyps. the black stuff ive never taken out. i just noticed it the past few days.