Last night I got out the trusty flashlight and took a look at my tank. There were some monster bristle worms crawling around
One was on my curly-cue anemone. I couldn't tell who was eating who (if either) and this morning the anemone looks fine. He's a little short, but he does that from time to time. Can an anemone eat a bristle worm? It was a nice fat one, I couldn't tell how long. It was kinda gross to see them tangled up together like that.

One was on my curly-cue anemone. I couldn't tell who was eating who (if either) and this morning the anemone looks fine. He's a little short, but he does that from time to time. Can an anemone eat a bristle worm? It was a nice fat one, I couldn't tell how long. It was kinda gross to see them tangled up together like that.