I did a phosphate test onmy tank this morning and found they are back up therein the 1.6 range(not good) which explaines my continus battle with algee, hair, cyno..bla bla bla.. I use RO water in my system, and have tested my WC water(using IO salt)and it is fine. I tested the food i was feeding my fish" Aquarian Marine Flake" and "Wardly Shrimp Pellets" and a kind of shrimp pellets i got from Whirley to test( dont rem what kind), and just adding a couple flakes or a couple pellets to the test vial before or after doing the test(tried both) and they are all loaded with phosphates!!! all this time it was the damn food... Guess ill be testing my frozen food next, if anyone knows of food which doesnt have phosphates in it please let me know.. Hopefully this will be usefull to someone. On my way to store to buy a new Phosphate test kit( as i used most of mine for this test ) and to try som new food..