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Advanced Reefer
sanctuary city
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Live aquaria has a banana eel on sale. I always wanted one to complete my eel tank. I have a adult skeletor eel who is harmless but I have an adult dragon eel who will eat what fits in his mouth.

The banana eel is 11 inches. What's your opinions that the dragon would attack the new eel.

I know there is no definite answer but what do u think?

My dragon is always well fed but u put a small slow fish in the tank and its instincts kick right in.


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The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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There is always the chance that the DE may decide to try and eat the other eel, which could be a problem if it couldn't get it down it's mouth, as you may lose both eels. This is a common problems with a lot of eels, so it's always risky when you put two of them together. DE are fish eating eels, so it may not happen but you never know with eels, especially if they're hunting at night with the lights off.


Advanced Reefer
sanctuary city
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Had a feeling you would respond. Thanks

Actually just bought the new eel but this eel was being sold as large 12-17 inches with live aquaria. At that size I'm not worried.

The original eel that was on sale was a divers den at only 11 inches which was questionable.

I'm very excited! This eel will finally complete my eel tank with my other two eels.

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Advanced Reefer
Long island
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Hi i have a dragon moray and i always make it a point to feed him well the night before i put anything in the tank. I find as long as they are not hungry and the fish ant be swallowed its usually ok. I sometimes keep my feeding stick handy when i put something in the tank to keep him away till the fish gets accustomed to tank.


Advanced Reefer
sanctuary city
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Banana eel arrived today! Put him into bucket and dumped him in. Dragon had zero interest in him. Banana eel is now resting comfortably in the rocks in back of tank.

After 7 years, my eel tank is now complete.

Thanks everyone

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Advanced Reefer
sanctuary city
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Here is my dragon, very social, loves to display himself.

My skeletor eel is extremely reclusive. There are times I forget I have her and she is (I bet) one of the largest skeletors in captivity.

Banana eel to come: right now my lights are out and she is in back of tank.

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Advanced Reefer
sanctuary city
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Banana had a good night. Looks healthy and don't see any negative behaviors. He is more of a banana eel then a true golden eel: golden eel is all yellow with a spot or two of black. My eel is a true banana eel. Mainly yellow with more than 3 black spots. She is to me a solid medium size eel, which is great, some time to grow into full adulthood. Nice size head, should eat cut up food easily. Teeth are minimal as i still haven't seen them as she yawned many times. My dragon has TEETH.

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