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Advanced Reefer
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I have a 75 gallon tank (120 gallon system) and really want to add another fish or two depending on the size. Figured I would poll MR for suggestions. My system runs pretty clean (< 10 ppm Nitrate) so I think I can add some more without much of an impact.

I currently have
- Foxface
- Kole Tang
- Potter's Angel
- Flame Angel
- Picasso Clown
- Wyoming Clown
- Midas Blenny
- Black Leopard Wrasse
- Meleagris Leopard Wrasse
- Red Firefish
- Mandarin

I will ultimately end up adding a 2nd mandarin down the line when I think my system can support it. No issues so far with two wrasses/mandarin but don't want to risk adding another wrasse even though I love them.

My Potters Angel was a bully at first and still chases my Flame Angel every now again so I'm hesitant to add another dwarf angel but I've considered adding a coral beauty or bi color angel.

I've tried Copperband Butterfly twice and they each lasted 3 months even though they were eating from the start. The Butterflies I really like aren't reef safe.

I'm not a big fan of Anthias so that eliminates a whole bunch of other fish. I would appreciate other suggestions based on my current tank and livestock. I don't plan on adding another fish anytime soon but I want to start brainstorming



Advanced Reefer
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You may be at your limit already. 11 fish in a 75 gallon? I have a fuge that is just 75 gallons

Appreciate your input but I don't agree that there is a general rule of thumb of fish per gallon. There are many variables that go into deciding the stock of a tank. Every tank is different and I've seen many tanks far more stocked than mine and the system still thrives. My fish aren't aggressive and my system runs clean even though I feed 2-4 times a day so I believe (IMO) that I won't have any issues adding another fish or two; again, depends on the type of fish I add.


Advanced Reefer
north NJ
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that's a pretty nice list of fish you have: I keep seeing the red dragonets looking fish, cant say I know the proper name. Not sure you can keep them with your mandarin though if they have similar needs regarding food. trio of anthias or maybe a barbonias anthias


Advanced Reefer
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that's a pretty nice list of fish you have: I keep seeing the red dragonets looking fish, cant say I know the proper name. Not sure you can keep them with your mandarin though if they have similar needs regarding food.

Thanks. I like the red scooter blenny as well but don't want to add another fish that relies heavily on pods.
Long Island
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I recently purchased a lineatus wrasse, pair of Bartlett anthias, pair of squareback Anthias and a borbonious Anthia. I love the lineatus and borbonious. My favorite... The pairs I have are super active as well. I never liked anthias till I bought the bartletts.


Experienced Reefer
Long Island, NY
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Look into a two spot (aka candy) hogfish... nice bright yellow color, can hold his/her own with bigger fish, stays about 3 inches and is a very active swimmer everywhere in the tank... I have had mine for about a little over a year...he is quite the character

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