gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I'm starting to piece together my new JBJ 45g rimless cube build and I wasnt sure if I should go with the Rw4 or the RW8? Do you think the rw8 would be to much? It's going to be a mixed reef with both SPS and lps corals. Thanks!


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You better have good sand like carib sea special grade. Pumps are definitely powerful but damn quiet unless there is nothing else on then you can hear them.

I had rw8 on 30 width at 30% and can't put them straight. I'd go 4 if you really don't think you'll upgrade. 8 is perfect on my 70 going 34" across. With fine sand, it cleared it but now with the more coarse reef flakes can turn it up!!!
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Advanced Reefer
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If you mean this, CaribSea Dry Aragonite Fiji Pink Reef Sand, then that is what I had before too.

The best coarse sand by review is tropic eden reef flakes and
CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand.

Both grain sizes are bigger than standard sand that I've seen normally available at LFS in my area. I have the reef flakes and I am loving how white it is and can't tell that it's grain size is too much bigger.

It isn't being moved around with my RW8s at 70-80%. I don't have corals put down with epoxy/reef glue yet so I haven't turned it all the way up but when I have all my sps in....IT'S ON!!!!


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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147   0   0
If you mean this, CaribSea Dry Aragonite Fiji Pink Reef Sand, then that is what I had before too.

The best coarse sand by review is tropic eden reef flakes and
CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand.

Both grain sizes are bigger than standard sand that I've seen normally available at LFS in my area. I have the reef flakes and I am loving how white it is and can't tell that it's grain size is too much bigger.

It isn't being moved around with my RW8s at 70-80%. I don't have corals put down with epoxy/reef glue yet so I haven't turned it all the way up but when I have all my sps in....IT'S ON!!!!
Yea it's not the one you listed, the grain size ranges from 1-1.5mm.

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