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I have a six line wrasse but have never seen him kill one. I heard arrow crabs a re good also. So thinking about getting one. I have bristle worms and seem to get more and more if randomly move rock around and yank out as many as I can . Just looking for suggestions ...


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long island
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wrasse help melanarus is know for eating bristle worms, flat worms, pyramid snails, and everything else you could put in your tank there pigs. Great reef protectors


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By having an originally bristle worm infested tank, and now have a lubbocks fairy wrasse, small yellow corris, and a mystery wrasse and barely seeing bristle worms. Used to have a melanurus but unfortunely he disappeared, he might have put a dent in the bristle work population. Maybe it's a coincidence but I doubt it.
Edit: also have a baby yellow flanked wrasse.


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West Babylon
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You shouldn't be trying to get rid of bristle worms with a predator. They are harmless detrivores. If you have too many, you are feeding the worms too much. If you get something that will eat all your worms you will be losing a part of your ecosystem that you tank apparently needs. I'm not saying its bad your tank needs them. I'm saying they are doing a job.


north jersey
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I agree with the above statement. Don't remove them unless they get so big that they are eating fish

holy cow phil. how big are the worms that they're eating fish?????
they are nasty looking when they get big.
i catch them with a tong at feeding time. there were times that i would get a few at each feeding however many times, once i caught one, others would run and hide. i believe they do learn how to avoid capture by staying in area that the tong can't reach....or the captured ones sent some sort of signal to warn others about the tong.
Staten Island
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Coralife makes a bristleworm trap, works great. Only thing is it works best if you check it often and pull them out as soon as they enter a decent amount into the trap. You can catch all sizes with it, also works quicker if you have an idea of where the worms are.


renegade reefer
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Wow a thread on mr thats a good topic and the clown have not come out yet ??? Albano stop starting trouble some wrasse eat bristle i have had a decent line up of wrasse and some def munch on them

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