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Yes sir, hope it's doing good, My old company was told that the students were going to maintain it. I had to show the teachers a few things for water changes, rodi maintance etc. Unfortunately I saw the tank going downhill each week as far as parameters, probably not good. If you see it again let me know how it's looking.

Sure no prob not sure when Ill be sent there again. I handle the wireless internet and the video surveillance servers in most of the schools.


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Staten Island
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Not sure what size tank you're looking for but I have a 55 gallon RR tank that I bought used and just never set it up cause I got a bigger tank. The tank is on a standard metal stand. You can have it if that works for you.


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staten island
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Checked animal kingdom they had $400 and $500 for a 75 and a 90 nothing else
Haven't seen anything good in craigslist if you have a link please send it to me
And anyone willing to help out with cost of a tank is appreciated too
So far we have $140 towards a tank for 260 we can get a reef ready 75 deep blue from ocean gallery but if we can get a larger not reef ready we can always drill it and while reef ready looks neater on the outside of the tank larger is always better :grin


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staten island
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Just called animal kingdom they said they have an 80 gallon flat back hex tank for $200 with a wet dry built into the back. Haven't actually seen the tank but it sounds good to me anyone have any thought we just need another $60
Staten Island
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I'd also say acrylic if it's all built in, sounds like an aqua vim or something similar. tanks aren't bad but your usually very limited on equipment. Have to use what is in there and or most likely have a hard time trying to fit the specs for different equipment.
Staten Island
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Without seeing it I personally can't say for sure. All of the "all in one" tanks I've come across do not fit your average sized equipment. The arid and some other equipment do not necessarily have to go into the filtration part of the setup but then you will have all that equipment in the surrounding area of the tank with tubing connecting everything, I'm assuming you do not want that with the kids. By the way I do not know if the arid can be ran internally, I've always saw them ran externally so double check if needed. Most likely if you find the tank your looking for with a refugium or sump in the stand you'll be able to fit your equipment in there as well. It'll all depend on actual equipment(size) and setup though.


Advanced Reefer
staten island
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Anyone who has extra diy led parts donations are welcome we are trying to put together a project for the kids so they can build their own light.
We have a light for the mean time offered by one of the members so we can set the tank up before they build the light.

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