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I am trying to setup a dual reactor (GFO/Carbon) there was a problem with the impeller on the mj900 so it wasn't working. I switched to a mj1200 but the flow coming out isn't that strong/steady and the gfo is not tumbling at all (this is wide open). Any ideas?

- Also regarding the mj900 impeller it seems the white plastic part came off the magnet can I glue it back together?


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Mohegan lake
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tagging along...i have mines running off my manifold and it has the same problem..i think it gets clogged..when i called BRS they said to only put 1/2 cup of gfo and 1 cup of carbon..they claim that all you need is a few pieces tumbling..it seems like it gets clogged quickly..


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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Mine had no flow.
Then i had to clean out the sponges that come with the reactor AND the slight bit of felt that is on the bottoms of the canister, crud gets stuck in there.
After I did that it at least had some flow.
Not as much as the TLF reactors though.

But 1 week later, it clogged again.

This weekend a friend of mine suggested using a type of filter sponge that has slightly larger holes than the one in the BRS reactor.

i havent had the chance to open the reactors and change out the filter in them but i will.

I read on some sites that a few people decided to use less or go spongeless.
i remember when I had my TLF reactor, the top sponge wasn't really necessary if i had the flow right (meaning that the tumble of the media was never so much that it went high enough to even touch the sponge at the top).

I know BRS also suggests using a higher rate pump for their dual reactor. I am going to go to home depot some day to get some reducers so I can fit a larger pump into the small push connect of the reactor.

I'll let you know if I get it done.


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I followed the calculator for media and am using 1.6 cups of gfo and 1.3 cups of carbon. It is coming out the 'out' but flow is not steady the stream varies and the carbon chamber has about 1" at the top of the outer canister that isn't filled. I was thinking maybe had something to do with the sponge material that is built into the caps on the bottom but I soaked everything in water/vinegar but still look dirty.


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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Hey I just actually did the modification and it is streaming GREAT.

First to check, I filled the two caps with water and there was no flow coming out. This told me that the two small sponges hidden in the caps were definitely clogged.

I took out the two caps and the removed the two small sponges. I also took out the bigger sponges that stay inside the canister.

I replaced them with sponge of a larger hole size. Kind of like the sponge you would put in an overflow or in the return chamber of a sump.

I simply cut it to size- the sponge for the cap is really thin, didn't get it quite circular but it's a bunch of smaller pieces that fit. I then replaced the slotted cap.
I cut a larger, thicker piece to go inside the canister.

To double check change in flow rate i filled the cap with water and INSTANTLY the water flowed right on through.

This was a mod recc to me by Richie and it worked.


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Ok I did the mod but had to use a 'new' household sponge (hope thats ok). Flow is now constant still not much tumbling but I have a lot of gfo maybe 3/4 full. Does this sound right: The outer canister of the gfo side fills up about half way and the outer canister of the carbon about 1"? Not sure if that is how it supposed to be.
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I have the dual reactor on a maxijet 1200. I have rowaphos in the first chamber (1/4 full) and in the second without sponges nitrate sponge (2/3 full). I found a post from another member on mr about this same problem the inner canister at the bottom there is a screen. That's where it clogs. I it cut as directed, every other slat and mine works like a champ! I have to restrict flow by half and I get a nice gentle tumble. I have to say that I am using bigger media in the second chamber
(Bio pellets for some reason does not work without the modification They just clump!). If I where switch back to carbon or something finer in the second chamber, I would place one sponge at the bottom so that no media escapes from bottom. It does not need the one at the top as the modulation of the flow is so reduced that it would have to be finer than rowaphos.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you need pics as I am planning a cleaning session with the reactor.

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