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Thumbs up for every1 helping and for those offering help. Im available for any help if needed i mayb the least experience but i can help even to clean up the spills. Anything helps right??? Let me know


Bay Ridge, BK
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OK boys and girls. Tank is holding on but there are some losses and the writing center smells like dead sps. We can't have random people showing up due to the fact the center is open but if you are interested in helping please call me asap preferably someone from SI who can pick up RichieK on the way. 718 419 9485.


Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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163   0   0
dang, I'm sorry to hear this happened.

I'm out of town right now in NE for winter vacation, so I can't be of any assistance.

I'am glad to see the Amazing MR spirit.


Experienced Reefer
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Heavy losses this morning.
Serval corals and the clams have been relocated to other tanks in hopes of recovery.
Started this morning with a 70g wc
Just completed another very large wc, almost done to the sand bed. Water is looking less cloudy but not great.
I am still here making more water and cleaning the chaos of equipment that had been thrown around.


Advanced Reefer
Kings Park, NY
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If I can be of any help Randy or Richie drop me a PM.

But I have to ask. What allowed the chiller to run away? With the switch to the LED.s you still needed to chiller on the tank? Obviously the chiller was not controlled by any type of controller? God it sucks but if I can help let me know.


Experienced Reefer
New York
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6   3   0
Sorry to hear about this Randy, I almost feel guilty when I offered tank space the day of the fire. Expected some issues from the fire if it was in your building but not from the chiller. Tanks still available if you need holding.
Brooklyn, NY
Rating - 97.4%
74   2   0
Thanks everyone for your support and to those of you who helped directly I don't have words ---Richie, James, Nottick, Jackson, Jehrib, and Vince from Coral Theory--way above and beyond the call of duty. And my assistants Will and Taylor Jane have been heroic--probably to the neglect of their own studies. There is nothing more they could have done.

I got back a few hours ago and it is pretty much a coral horror show--but I expected as much. Nearly all the Acros and much of the other SPS are gone or soon to be gone. A few montis etc. are looking ok. Most of the chalices and LPS are in surprisingly good shape. The very good news is that the fish look great. The only known losses are a blue green chromis and 2 blue eyed cardinals. A few of the wrasses I am assuming were already buried for the night.

I pulled a few small pieces that looked healthy and moved them to other tanks for safe keeping and I'm told Vince took a bunch of frags of things so maybe they will survive.

At this point I think I'm looking at 70-80% coral loss, but we'll see ow thing progress.

My guess is, I'm looking a total re-boot/redesign which, once I get over the shock is not such a bad thing. ...... for now, pass the kleenex :(


Newbiee 4 Ever
Staten Island
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So far 1 out of the 3 pieces that I took back with me yesterday looks like it is going to make it. Don't worry Randy, things can only get better, even if you have to start over. I am sure once things get back to normal, the community will help rebuild, and rebuild even bigger and better.
Brooklyn, NY
Rating - 97.4%
74   2   0
So far 1 out of the 3 pieces that I took back with me yesterday looks like it is going to make it. Don't worry Randy, things can only get better, even if you have to start over. I am sure once things get back to normal, the community will help rebuild, and rebuild even bigger and better.

I am not worried about that at all Richie. I have no doubt you are right.


Rating - 99%
201   2   0
Randy did the tank clear up yet? I think some of your nicer SPS will be ok. The shortcake colony and half of the tort looking colony (TJ calls a sanjay PM) looked solid. Other ones that looked ok were the maricultured milli colony, tri-color types, half of the setosa to name a few. There is a lot of organic matter on the sanbed and rocks so now is probably a good time to clean house. I don't think I want a big tank anymore ;)
Brooklyn, NY
Rating - 97.4%
74   2   0
That is good to know Rich, I had no idea which things looked promising. The tank is still pretty cloudy though not horribly so. And it still smells, though not horribly so. I threw out a few more things and there is more die-off that needs to work it's way through. More water changes tomorrow. There isn't much else that can be done.


Advanced Reefer
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224   0   0
WOW Randy thats bad. I am in a situation as you know and just took apart the tank and QTed my corals. I havent had the amount of loss as you but its getting there slowly. I know how you feel they are more then corals in our eyes
Rating - 100%
90   0   0
Oh dear. Somehow I missed this thread or it didn't show for me, I read about your horror on Facebook Randy. That totally sucks, I hope that you manage to save at least some of your precious collection. Such a loss, truly one of my favorite reef tanks. Please lmk if I can help anyhow... What happened to that fu(&(*ng chiller, you didn't have it on controller?

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