Wow looks like you guys had a great time! I wish I could have made it but I lost my power an hour before I left and its 5 am and my electricity just came back on!
We played for about 3 1/2 hours till it got to be too late.
I think Rori could have won, she was by far the chip leader the whole night,
then she got tired and threw it in on some crappy hands. It was down to Will
and I. I lost with a suited ace/king, I went all in hoping for a miricle on the river.
It was a great night and I would do it again. Just be careful if you play Rori and she's
not tired! She will have all your chips before you know what happened
Tony, thank you and your family for opening up your home to all of us. Your mom can cook for me anytime bro. It's amazing you don't weigh 300 lbs. :biggrin:
Congrats to Will as the Tournament Champion. Just give House Of Fish a shout whenever you're ready to stake claim to your prize.
Congrats to all the other smaller prize winners as well. They received lots of inverts (cleaner shrimp, turbo snails, cerith snails, etc).