nice....that's the tank i wanted but when they were introducing the idea of the dd series, i was told they were not planning on making a tank that size. my 200dd was one of the first guinea pig tank they were "testing". it was "customized" with 3 sided starphire and a center overflow instead of the corner ones.
i'm assuming you're building your own stand right?
the tank is quite heavy(as you already know)....go with 2x6 horizontally and either sister up the 2x4 corner vertical legs, or go with 4x4 posts. better yet if you work with metal or know someone who does, go with a custom metal stand.
can't wait to see the build thread.
It actually wasnt as heavy as I thought it was about 460 lbs .im setting the tank in a wall once I finish my basement .then I will set the 300 up and transfer my stuff over .once thats all done then its time to sell my baby my 120 with custom build stand
Im not sure yet kev maybe a pair of blue throat or a larger tang Isome more anthais think for now I will just keep the fish I have I have a lot as it is but corals now thats. A different subject lol