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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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I have had to continuously change out the first sediment filter on my RO/DI, and I mean continuously. I have to change it out every 2 to 3 weeks lately where as for years I only had to change them out yearly. The first sediment filter goes completely dark brown, the make up water gets reduced to like 5 gallons per 2 days, and the the other 2 prefilters are staying clean as when new.

I have a 5 stage AWI RO/DI filter.


Senior Member
Queens, NY
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Yes, I noticed this too. The first stage was pretty gunked up after about a month. My TDS meter is still giving me 0 readings. I've had my RO (aquasafe unit) for about 3 months and would say I make about 50 gallons of RO water a month.

Paul B

Advanced Reefer
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Awilda, that is because NYC's water tunnels have been under massive re-construction for decades and this year they are connecting the new water tunnel #3 to the citys water supply.
(The original water tunnels were constructed out of coblestones and are still in operation although most likely leaking more water then they supply)
The original water tunnels can not be turned off for inspection because the valves which have been dormant for decades don't work.
Our tunnels used to be the longest tunnels in the world. I think they are 22 miles long and 900' below the city. I have been in one of them and they are huge and deep.
Can you imagine the sediment in a cement tunnel 22 or 27 miles long constructed mostly out of concrete?
The water is not filtered and gets here just the way it comes from the resivour. It is treated with chemicals but not filtered for particles. So in 50 or so years, it will be particle free as long as you keep cleaning it out of your faucet strainer. :eek:

New York City Water Tunnel No. 1, completed in 1917. It runs from the Hillview Reservoir under the central Bronx, Harlem River, West Side, Midtown and Lower East Side of Manhattan, and under the East River to Brooklyn where it connects to Tunnel 2. It is expected to undergo extensive repairs upon completion of Tunnel No. 3 in 2012
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Senior Member
Queens, NY
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Awilda, that is because NYC's water tunnels have been under massive re-construction for decades and this year they are connecting the new water tunnel #3 to the citys water supply.
(The original water tunnels were constructed out of coblestones and are still in operation although most likely leaking more water then they supply)
The original water tunnels can not be turned off for inspection because the valves which have been dormant for decades don't work.
Our tunnels used to be the longest tunnels in the world. I think they are 22 miles long and 900' below the city. I have been in one of them and they are huge and deep.
Can you imagine the sediment in a cement tunnel 22 or 27 miles long constructed mostly out of concrete?
The water is not filtered and gets here just the way it comes from the resivour. It is treated with chemicals but not filtered for particles. So in 50 or so years, it will be particle free as long as you keep cleaning it out of your faucet strainer. :eek:

So basically the saying that NYC has the cleanest tap water among major cities is no longer true? Well for 50 years at least.


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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So basically the saying that NYC has the cleanest tap water among major cities is no longer true? Well for 50 years at least.

Not the case!! It's actually cleaner than a lot of other cities!!!!!......... So imagine how bad the water supply in other places is!? Cryptosporidium parasites all day !!! Respect your Brita filter cartridges people!!!! Lol
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So basically the saying that NYC has the cleanest tap water among major cities is no longer true? Well for 50 years at least.

I can attest to this mis-info or propaganda they have put out. Years back in college time, I was admitted to hospital and I asked a doctor who treated me for a serious weight lost(14 lbs in a week), high fever and diarrhea. I asked him about the same question on New York City's water as some other doctors were thinking of the possibilities of me catching some bugs from the water, he confirmed me the quality of tap water in NYC is not very high among other cities even though he does not think my illness come from the water. He actually showed me a rate chart but I forgot what NYC was. He accurately found my problem over the other two previous physicians.

BTW RO/DI filter is dead so fast I gave up repairing it for couple months already.
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It's still the cleanest. Particles does not make it dirty, they are clean particles. :D

After more events I do in Catskill then the water will not be clean any more. LOL J/K

First time, I ever know the DEP carry guns. Last time, I was there I thought they are park rangers when we drive up to inquire, we found that they are DEP. Their whole army were there to make sure we do not "pxx" at the trees.
Ridgewood, NY
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I have had to continuously change out the first sediment filter on my RO/DI, and I mean continuously. I have to change it out every 2 to 3 weeks lately where as for years I only had to change them out yearly. The first sediment filter goes completely dark brown, the make up water gets reduced to like 5 gallons per 2 days, and the the other 2 prefilters are staying clean as when new.

I have a 5 stage AWI RO/DI filter.

This was happening to me before and I reached out to my friends The Filter Guys (I bought my system from them) and he mentioned something I never thought about. He said he was a firefighter in NYC a long time ago and if the water hydrants are open on your block (mine are open all the time for the summer) that it releases all sorts of rust and bad sediment. He suggested that I run my cold water for a few minutes before I make new water ( I run it for 15 minutes as I dont pay water at home, LOL) and to also flush the membranes every time you finish making water. That has help me a great deal. Also I run a pre filter cartridge with a sediment filter before my water pump so the prefilter gets clogged before and it extends the life of my RO/DI cartridges, Hope this helps


Experienced Reefer
Long Island
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Sediment in the water at the tap is due to increased flow scouring the distribution pipe walls. This can be caused by hydrants left open or water main replacement in the area. On LI, turbidity in the water is a result of the nutrients from well water and is usually localized. I think mostly Sulphur and calcium cause this.
In NYC summer water usage volume increases by over 20% which helps dislodge the calcium and sulphur deposits on the pipe walls.
Maybe put a cheaper pre-filter in front of the RO unit?


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Awilda, that is because NYC's water tunnels have been under massive re-construction for decades and this year they are connecting the new water tunnel #3 to the citys water supply.
(The original water tunnels were constructed out of coblestones and are still in operation although most likely leaking more water then they supply)
The original water tunnels can not be turned off for inspection because the valves which have been dormant for decades don't work.
Our tunnels used to be the longest tunnels in the world. I think they are 22 miles long and 900' below the city. I have been in one of them and they are huge and deep.
Can you imagine the sediment in a cement tunnel 22 or 27 miles long constructed mostly out of concrete?
The water is not filtered and gets here just the way it comes from the resivour. It is treated with chemicals but not filtered for particles. So in 50 or so years, it will be particle free as long as you keep cleaning it out of your faucet strainer. :eek:

Thanks for the explanation Paul, that makes a lot of sense! Not to mention that they are also doing a great deal of work out on the rock as well adding to the issue.:(
SanmanReefer, no hydrants open on my block. We are 2 blocks from the beach. So no need to open the hydrants.;)

rrudo74901, I just change the first "sediment filter" every week.;) I use to not change them for up to 9 months.

dannyNY, yes, I only change the first sediment filter as the other two stay clean (nice & white). I went to HD, and picked up a couple of their sediment filters. A two pack is $9.97. I think Aquarium Village has them cheaper, but was to tired to drive out to them today.

Jimmy, I change my membrane & DI cartridges every 4 or 5 years.:wink1:


Experienced Reefer
Long Island
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If the water tunnels were to blame, then this would not be a recent issue. As well, the third water tunnel is a totally separate tunnel then tunnel 1 and 2. NYC DEP has 12 contracts out that are designed to connect the shafts from the 3rd tunnel into the distribution system by 2014.
There is a tremendous amount of water main replacement being performed in NYC and on the trunk system. When water mains are taken out of service and valves are operated, it creates sediment in the water. Add that to the summer increase in volume and that sediment can spread throughout a grid area.
The situation should subside within the next few months as the usage reduces.


Addicted to coral
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In Lindenhurst i changed my DI resin a month ago and its already almosy brown. WTF

Plus one... I lost a lot of and coral because of this!!!
My TDS read like 14 for about 2 weeks i think because usally i change ever 4 months and when i saw problems i was shocked that i had to change out in one month..I think and I must of used like 60gals of topoff before I realized I needed to change it...


Advanced Reefer
New Jersey
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Is it me but is any one in the 07307 getting high tds meter readings from there rodi unit? I just checked mines and it read 335 x10 WTF! Might the water problem that's effect nyc has started to get effect new jersey waters as well?

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