Does it seem the people who started the tank with LEDs are having more success then people who had another source of light and switched ?
Looks that way but looks like 90 percent of the go back to t5 or mh
Does it seem the people who started the tank with LEDs are having more success then people who had another source of light and switched ?
Looks that way but looks like 90 percent of the go back to t5 or mh
Those stunner strips are really only accent lighting, the panorama modules are the real lighting.
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yet my buddy tynman has led's done by wingo and he has absolutly amazing color and growth.. so im sure theres more factors than just the lights in every case
as painful as it is, i have to agree with jerl.. haha just kidding bud, its not painful but i do agree with you.. i have a ecoxotic panorama unit over my 92g corner... u have decent coloring of my corals( after i added 9 stunner strips of blue and blue/magenta) the problem i have noticed is i have a dead zone dead center in my tank below the panel, each and every frag or colony that goes in that area either bleaches out or eventually craps out.. around the outer ring of the panel i get good growth and color...
on the flip side i wish i never wasted almost a grand on the lighting bc i can take the same coral from that tank and put it in either one of my frag systems and they will have better color "pop" as well as polyp extension.. on one of my frag tanks i have a 6 bulb t5 36" and on my other frag tank i have a 10 bulb t5 48" and the colors are great..
so if it were up to me i would go back to t5s on my display tank..
i think we should do a little test. im willing to go get a small colony of acro with some people who have t-5 ,MH and me with the acan LED.put the acro at the same height in each tank and see which lighting gives the best growth and colors.i know there are other factors as water chemistry and other but we can get as close as we can to chemistry as we can. maybe 2 guys who also run a cal reactor as well.
I want in on this big will get me on growth I know that but there is no way on color I dose two part some we should be good one that the only problem i see is that I am giving you an sps with color now and your giving me an brown led Sps lol I want this one set it up buddy I only ask one thing when I win you must post that t5 are better the LEDs lmfao bring itrangehat
ok jerl your in ill get charliethetuna to do this as well.we are going to get a small colony from a LFS and start fresh. its only fair because your sps has already adjusted to your tank parameters. we will chip in for the coral..sounds good?