nanoreefer22 said:lol....woo hoo tanks back on track..everything looking better than ever..whats good with you?

nanoreefer22 said:lol....woo hoo tanks back on track..everything looking better than ever..whats good with you?
Hey krisnanoreefer22 said:I'm sitting here counting up my coins to try and save my bird. Shes egg binding for the second time. The first time was 2 years back when she was 3yrs old. It cost $25 for the check up and $150 to have the egg removed.
I call the same vets office today and the check up is $88 and I can't imagine what the removal is gonna cost. Sad sad day....a $10 bird is about to turn into a $600 cause once I've got enough I'm saving her. Hopefully theres $300+ in there.
DEEPWATER said:and good morning to you and all you Manhattan reefers not sleeping ,