gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
Not yet. I am going to wait until it colors up some before I post pictures. It is quite faded, but with a little TLC it should start to come back to its original color. But it is a big piece.nanoreefer22 any pics of that new beauty?
DRZL said:lol...LNT OFB BLT? OMG....what the heck are ya sayin?
Anyways the topic for the night are you like them? horror personally I think they are gross...I hate them, I hate my girls, mom,neighbor's,that guy, George W., even my own..blechh...
Keep them feets in some closed toe stilletos..dayumm..
nanoreefer22 said:Hmmm feet...kinda nausty...yes i said cousin from FL's visiting and i was on the line between hate:like feet and he pushed me over to the hate side....all i can say is ehhh...![]()
LMAO....BLT...shoulda known....DRZL said:Hey Kris I hear your gettin a Rainbow Monti?, luck bastard!
BLT= Bacon Lettuce Tomatoes...yummm