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Iconic Aquariums
Tenafly, NJ
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I'm not a fish store. I don't agree with everything that fish stores do, or collection stations or wholesalers either. I have a problem with alot of methods and techniques used in this 'industry.'

The whole salt incident had alot of bashing from what I remember reading.

FWIW, i was trying to help with the rock. Maybe you haven't been to your suppliers, but all the rock from EVERYWHERE sits together in a few warehouses. Sure, maybe you got a shipment that just came in, but in 90% of the time it is stored in the boxes they are shipped in.


Iconic Aquariums
Tenafly, NJ
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Dude ,dont get into the salt BS ,,bashing YELL FREKING YES ,Inspector came to my house ,my landlord call me ,and other things ,if that doenst deserve bashing ,well im srry

It's part of the business world. Like no one's never sabotaged another competitor? Hell, look at the Diet Pepsi commercials bashing Coke. People's systems get bleached, coppered, etc. 2 people coming to your house to inspect is nothing. It sucks that it happened, but it could've been alot worst. Maybe the reaction you had will have a negative impact on the community here. Who knows? Obviously some people feel that pulling the rug out from under somebody is the way to go.


- Untitled -
Da B - X
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Ummmm Ronen Joe can we take this private? I like both of you guys and don't wanna see any more things in a negative way about either of you.


Advanced Reefer
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Ronen had asked for opinions on the rock, he also asked Ink on the first page about prices. If you are going to ask for opinions I think it should be acceptable for people to give honest feedback, positive or negative. Had I know he intended to use this post to sell the rock I wouldn't have contributed. I thought this thread was to help the community find deals on good live rock like we have in other threads in this forum.

In the future it might be better, to avoid confusion, if sale postings would go into the "for sale" or "vendors" forums. That way people will know what the thread is for.

griMReefer - PM me and I can give you a link that i found this afternoon with some good prices. The stock pics look like the ones Ronen has shown.
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Advanced Reefer
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kimoyo said:
Ronen had asked for opinions on the rock, he also asked Ink on the first page about prices. If you are going to ask for opinions I think it should be acceptable for people to give honest feedback, positive or negative. Had I know he intended to use this post to sell the rock I wouldn't have contributed. I thought this thread was to help the community find deals on good live rock like we have in other threads in this forum.

In the future it might be better, to avoid confusion, if sale postings would go into the "for sale" or "vendors" forums. That way people will know what the thread is for.

griMReefer - PM me and I can give you a link that i found this afternoon with some good prices. The stock pics look like the ones Ronen has shown.

stock pics ummm... nevermind :shhh: thanks bro, PMing u ahoramizmo. :approve:


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scarf_ace1981 said:
are we all done w/ all that . great. Ronen, about how many pieces of Totoka LR come in the 50lb box? i know there is no exact number but more or less

In the two boxes ..1 box had 4 big pcs ,1 box had about 6 nice size and 6lbs of rubble ,from shipping (I put that in his sump ) so i wasted nothing aside from the small crap left over


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If you need anything ,,,i put up a fish and live order for monday , to be in on tuesday morning


Rice Planter
Rating - 98.6%
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...i rememBer tHe price now, for liKe 50lBs, it was liKe $130 shipp'd in 4 daYs, boTh jaWwad and i got soMe simiLar t0 Ocean pR0... overNite wouLd be prefErabLe :spin: :eek:rangehat :birthday: buT i waS goiNg for cheap-neSs :sleepy:

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