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I have an oranda that I have had happy and healthy in my tank for several months. I have not added anything new to my tank in over a month but yesterday I noticed a white lump under the fish's skin. At first I thought he had swallowed a rock but when I touched it, i felt softness. It resembles a pimple just under the skin with a huge white head the size of a pea. I am treating the tank with melafix. I have a hospital tank prepared if I should have to move on to Clout or something like that. All the perameters measure out good and none of the other fish are displaying any type of distress. He is still eating and swimming like before.

The tank is a 29 gal fresh water planted tank with an oranda, a zebra danio, a killifish, and a pleco. There are a few mystery snails too. Water is currently at 73.5 but the heater is on so it should go up a bit soon. PH is 7, NO2 and NO3 are at or darn near 0, ammonia is at 0 as well. I have mechanical filter with chemical and biological filters in it too.

See why I can't figure out what is wrong?! Please help. I am pretty attached to this little guy. . . . :(

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