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Freshwater so I didn't put it upstairs. (mods feel free to link etc, oh and the guy gives permission to do anything with the pics. There is a lot of them.)

8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

Huge Tank


Thanks, Buffle. I saw that last year. This guy's a nutbar. I mean, who goes to all that trouble for a freshwater tank??

:lol: :twisted: :wink:


Unleashed":1amej7ro said:
Thanks, Buffle. I saw that last year. This guy's a nutbar. I mean, who goes to all that trouble for a freshwater tank??

:lol: :twisted: :wink:
the person that wants to keep 6ft long catfish.

I saw this tank a while ago, in a magazine, IIRC, he lives in Canada


Yeah. I love catfish, too. But I'd rather spend that kind of money tank raising endangered fish, and/or corals than on a frikken arapaima tank. Seriously. Oh, I know, I know. His money, his tank.

Call me cynical, but I'm so ******* tired of watching people spend their money on assinine things like this that do nothing to help either a)needy people, b)our environment, or c)our hobby. How does shoving a bunch of six foot long catfish into a private tank help the hobby? Why doesn't this guy put his money somewhere useful?

Just my opinion. Just my rant. I think that perhaps, if each one of us was perhaps 5% LESS selfish, the world might be a better place.

And before you question me about what I do for the hobby, well, it's my job. I don't have the kind of money this guy has, but I do as much as I can to help people keep their existing animals alive and in good health.

I don't expect people to throw their money around trying to save the planet, I don't expect us to be a bunch of treehuggers. But stuff like this is simply an excessive way to show off. It's an ego thing. And I must say, it doesn't impress me whatsoever. I love the replies on the thread...you are a god?? A god just because he takes the money that would go to buy a BMW and spends it on a catfish tank??

Sure. Yep. A God.



ATLANTIS":3euvl72p said:
Anyone remember Mr. 4000?

Vaguely. Wasn't the paint peeling off the walls because of the humidity?


It would be fun to take a dump in there and then see if it floats there forever or if some big catfish eats it.


Chrispy":3o0rdrqq said:
ATLANTIS":3o0rdrqq said:
Anyone remember Mr. 4000?

Vaguely. Wasn't the paint peeling off the walls because of the humidity?
he had to gut his house- ALL the wood was infested with Black Molds


SciGuy2":2g9m4rd1 said:
That guy needed an intervention...
which guy, Mr. 4000, or this guy with the 50,000 gallon tank?(incedently, he also has a 15,000 gallon tank on the other side of his basement as well)


Unleashed":d6b9x9kn said:
Thanks, Buffle. I saw that last year. This guy's a nutbar. I mean, who goes to all that trouble for a freshwater tank??
:lol: :twisted: :wink:

imagine for a moment an amazon river biotope with schools of hundreds of discus, neons, serpaes, cardinals,aphyocharax tets, altum angels, and stingrays

with roots, plants, the whole shebang

would make 99% of every reef tank you ever saw look like piddle :P


Flabby wrote:

Hmmm... who woulda thunk driftwood floats?

If you boil it, it will sink sooner. But it really needs to be weighted down to stay down, unless you got a year to let it soak.



vitz":3p95lmom said:
Unleashed":3p95lmom said:
Thanks, Buffle. I saw that last year. This guy's a nutbar. I mean, who goes to all that trouble for a freshwater tank??
:lol: :twisted: :wink:

imagine for a moment an amazon river biotope with schools of hundreds of discus, neons, serpaes, cardinals,aphyocharax tets, altum angels, and stingrays

with roots, plants, the whole shebang

would make 99% of every reef tank you ever saw look like piddle :P

I've seen them. Some of them were even mine :D I guess peoples tastes change, cuz I was an avid freshophile a few years back. But now I got the bristleworm bug.

Perhaps I'll set up another freshwater someday, I already mentioned the craving for a goldie tank. I know, it's not biotope material, but I have a particular fondness for goldfish. They're not the smartest, but you gotta love a fish that will deliberately swim inside a tank ornament and get its ass stuck like Poohbear in a honey jar. LMAO

EDIT: who moved this topside??? DAMN YOU, you tricked me! The light, the light! My eyes are burning.

*diving towards the darkness*

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