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I had a 70 gallon reef tank back in high school...took it down before I left for the Army in 2002. I am now out of the Army and in my own place. The tank sits in my parents' storage shed...waiting to be set up again. I would love to do a reef with this, but the cost would be $4-5k to set it up to my standards. So I will do a smaller 15-40 gallon reef and want to set up the 70 as a freshwater tank.

I have never really done freshwater before....started my aquarium adventures with a 3g eclipse in the pre-reef days. It was too small and I put too many fish in it. I recently got a 5g hex with two platies in it, but the multiple tank syndrome is coming on. The tap water here is buffered with a pH around 8.2-8.4- I like African cichlids but am not sure if that would be good to start with.

Any recommendations?


bigtank3":299ipo0n said:
I had a 70 gallon reef tank back in high school...took it down before I left for the Army in 2002. I am now out of the Army and in my own place. The tank sits in my parents' storage shed...waiting to be set up again. I would love to do a reef with this, but the cost would be $4-5k to set it up to my standards. So I will do a smaller 15-40 gallon reef and want to set up the 70 as a freshwater tank.

I have never really done freshwater before....started my aquarium adventures with a 3g eclipse in the pre-reef days. It was too small and I put too many fish in it. I recently got a 5g hex with two platies in it, but the multiple tank syndrome is coming on. The tap water here is buffered with a pH around 8.2-8.4- I like African cichlids but am not sure if that would be good to start with.

Any recommendations?

I recommend you take care of the plant life and let the plant life take care of the tank.

For Fw I stock the tank with sand and lotsa plants right at the initial setup. I use a mix of fast growers like anacharis and vals and slower growers like the various swords. Then let it set a week for the plants to get established. After that I add (10g) a single male platty and wait another week with no food being added. Then add a female and start feeding a single flake per day. I have a stable population of 20-30 fish in my 10gs that have ran from up to 6 years continuous. With no filtration, no circulation, no air stone and no water changes.

The same thing works in saltwater only with the use of macro algaes. With tangs, angels, and cleaner crews you do have to protect the macros with a refugium. but basically the results are the same.

But that's just my .02. Best tank ever.


I understand what you're saying, but I would like to keep big bruisin' fish in this tank and they would probably tear up plants. African cichlids always appealed to me...bright colors and big personalities that you don't see much of with freshwater fish. I could do it for maybe $300 or so too....WAY cheaper than a reef tank lol.

I do still have my old 2x150w HQI metal halide system, bet it still works fine. That would probably kick some major butt for a planted tank...


i recommend you research beasleboy's posts and threads on this bb before listening to one single word he says ;)

pH is NOT that critical of an issue in FW as many seem to think-fish adjust to a very wide range very well-the key is more keeping it stable, once the fish's adjustments have been made

i have marble headstanders, rams of about 8 different types, and paradise gouramis going through courtship rituals and even spawning in a wholesale fw fish room with an average pH of 7.8, in addition to discus that are pigs and hand tame, using nothing but very well carbon filtered tap water ;)

the key is to remember to stock slowly, not overstock, and not overfeed, with good frequent water changes, JUST LIKE SALTWATER ;)

the solution to pollution is dilution :)

fwiw there are many beautiful livebearers out there in the platy and guppy family that many stores aren't even aware of that could make many a fw tank the envy of many sw tank keepers ;)

i'd rewcommend listening to beasle if you want to do an L.A. harbor biotope tank-his pics are definitely worthy of that :lol:


bigtank3":1lr0qo4k said:
I understand what you're saying, but I would like to keep big bruisin' fish in this tank and they would probably tear up plants. African cichlids always appealed to me...bright colors and big personalities that you don't see much of with freshwater fish. I could do it for maybe $300 or so too....WAY cheaper than a reef tank lol.

I do still have my old 2x150w HQI metal halide system, bet it still works fine. That would probably kick some major butt for a planted tank...

Well seems to me you could do some type of refugium to protect the plants.

Or perhaps look at this thread:



revsec ":1lr0qo4k said:
The last 55gal freshwater I setup about 6 years ago had live plants and was too successful as an aggressive tank with large pacu, arrowana, and other aggressive cichlids.


Or even contact revsec.

If you have lotsa time and want to be entertained I also encourage you to look up the vitz vrs beaslbob posts/threads.


My .02


beaslbob":mjrxq6sz said:
bigtank3":mjrxq6sz said:
I understand what you're saying, but I would like to keep big bruisin' fish in this tank and they would probably tear up plants. African cichlids always appealed to me...bright colors and big personalities that you don't see much of with freshwater fish. I could do it for maybe $300 or so too....WAY cheaper than a reef tank lol.

I do still have my old 2x150w HQI metal halide system, bet it still works fine. That would probably kick some major butt for a planted tank...

Well seems to me you could do some type of refugium to protect the plants.

Or perhaps look at this thread:



revsec ":mjrxq6sz said:
The last 55gal freshwater I setup about 6 years ago had live plants and was too successful as an aggressive tank with large pacu, arrowana, and other aggressive cichlids.


Or even contact revsec.

If you have lotsa time and want to be entertained I also encourage you to look up the vitz vrs beaslbob posts/threads.


My .02

'nuff said


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i kept FW for years before doing reef stuff and PH is important, but in the aspect of keeping it steady.

As long as it is in a reasonable range, and it doesnt do any drastic swinging I've never noticed it to be an issue for fish or plant health.



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Try a couple of the smaller Polypterus species and throw in some jumbo congo tetras and maybe a synodontis or two. You could keep some hardier plants in this tank if need be but you don't have to do strictly rift lake cichlids when you think Africa. Also look into some of the oddball pelvichromis species or maybe even some ctenopomas if you want some medium to larger fish.

I have one 20 long with one subadult Polypterus senegalus and one Polypterus retropinnis - neat fish but some of them will get large and require a 75 + gallon tank at adulthood.

Additionally I have a west african tank with congo tetras, kribia gobies, microptenopoma ansorgii, one liberian mastacembulatus eel and a pair of pelvichromis sacrimontis - amazing display and a neat change from the typical african rift lake or south american tank.


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dude, my advise, listen to vitz, dude knows his stuff.

also, tank may take longer to cycle, as it doesn't have LR, but it have been a while since my last FW.

from what i remember, its simpler that reef, cuz you don't need the skimmer or that salt, having said that, if you really wanted, there are FW skimmers, but not as critical.

i'm thinking of setting up a small FW soon, as i will be giving my sister my rainbow crab, would b interesting to see how yours turns out, compare notes?


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here's where i work and what i take care of every day ;)

grabbing my head is what i sometimes do after my 'helpers' finish doing their work ;) :lol: :P


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my Gf works with the 'end product' i.e a local aquarium, it's all her fault i keep spending my money on fish!

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