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picked up a 5 gallon aquarium. planning on using it for a reptile, can someone recommend a type of lizzard or any other reptile that could live happily in it fully grown?

thomas j


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Jewel Gecko, if youve ever been to Izrael youll know them from the bus stops. Very tiny beutifull gecko's and you could have a breeding colony in there. Plus they dont require any special lighting, so a heat bulb (thermostated) is all you need. No waterbowl but a dialy spraying down will keep them hydrated, and a few Tinsillidias growing out the backgroud will look perfect. That or some boring old green anolis, but there a little more difficult to look after, and their just spindly little green sketchers, nothing like the minature detail of the jewels.


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There are actually a bunch of lizards that would live happily in a tank that size. Some need specific setups, but would live in that space. There are many gecko's, and some tieds that can live in such a space. A single leopard gekco would actually work just fine, and they are very handleable.
I suggest you call this number 1-510-841-1400, and ask for Owen or John. Tell them your question and they'll give you an earfull.
By that way, that's the number for East Bay Vivarium in Berkeley.



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I would not keep any lizard in less than a 20 gallon. Just my 2 cents.

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