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I am new here and need some help with the setup of my 125 gal tank I just bought for 3 baby Red Eared Sliders that are in a 10 gal tank now. I want to give them some real nice real estate to grow up in.
I am having some problems with how to set the tank up for it to be functional and easy to take care of, I bought a canister filter 175 gal with UV built into it, a water heater inline, I also have UVB, basking lighting temp controler ,, screen top to put lighting on a nice cleaning system to clean and fill all in one.
My problem is what to do with the tank setup, I wanted to do a clean bright setup like a rivers edge or on that line with drift wood and live plaints to make as real as possable.

And I also need help with what I should use in the filter to keep the water clean
Any help or ideas...
Also want to put some small fish in or what else I can put in with them that will make it like home..
Thank You
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westbury ny
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I have 2 large red eared sliders.
I would use pool filter sand as a substrate. I have used all types of substrate and have found that this is the easiest way to keep the tank clean
Canister filter is the way to go. What type and size did you ge?. The bigger the better. As your turtles grow they will be messy.
I also use power heads with mechanical filtration (aqua clear makes a good unit. I will try to post a link) to keep the surface of the water agitated. This helps tremendously.
As for what to keep in the filter. I just use filtr pads and carbon. The bio media does not makes much sense in my setup because I do a 100% water change once a week.
Live plants are a bit of a stretch IMO. Red ears like to eat. Anything! But hell, give it a shot.
You will find lots of info here. http://www.redearslider.com/forum/index.php?welcome
Best of luck.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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you will most likely be needing a second filter if thats the canister you choose you want to use, either get another one of them or a simmilar canister.

3 turtles is a very large bio load so you will need plenty of bio media becuase like fish turtle cannot withstand the nitrogen cycle , high ammonia and nitrites will cause health problems.

keep your water at a good 76-78 and youll be fine

pool filter sand or play sand for subtrate is a good idea, right now i only have a 50g for my slider (got it for free ) and i didnt use any substrate for ease of cleaning ,but definetly not gravel as it can eat some a choke on it . sand will pass through them .

and im not sure what size your turtle are now, but when they get to be about 4 inches youll start to be able to sex them which is very important, because a 125 is only good for ONE female as they grow to 12 inches !

but all in all you equipemnt sounds very good, just make sure they have a good basking are, mine prefers natural driftwood he wont use anything thats plastic.

and as for live plant i wouldbnt even bother, ive never seen anyone have any succes with live plants, if he doesnt eat it, then it will jsut rip it up and make a mess , but you should feed your turtle anachris, its a very common stem plant and they love it and its good for them , if you have any questions feel free to pm me

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