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NYC girl looking for nemo
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I?m new in this hobby, so I need help deciding what to do next.

I have a 72 gal tank. With some rock, corals, snails and 2 fishes. 1 Blue tang around 1 ? inch and 1 black onyx clown fish around the same size. They get along well, but they are not really friends, not sure if they can even be friends since they are not the same type of fish. Anyway, I want to get another fish, a clown fish that I would like to be friend of my onyx clown fish, but I would like to get a different kind of clown fish, maybe a snowflake, semi-Picasso or teardrop one.

So my question is, can I get a different kind of clown fish that will get along with my onyx fish. Or do I have to get another onyx fish? and, If I do have to get a onyx clown fish, can I get another pair of other type of clown fish after that?

So confuse.
Thanks in advance


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Ive seen people mix and match different clown species. Why not just get another onyx thats smaller than the one in there? They might hopefully pair off and become mated.(the bigger male will morph into a female). You can then get another clown or pair of clowns if you really wanted but I would keep it to 1 pair myself. The whole reason you should pick and choose your livestock carefully and only get fish you really want. Just remember any new clown you introduce there will probably be some fighting at first to establish the pecking order between them.

Clowns are in the damsel family and they will kill each other over territorial disputes. If you dont have an anemone yet this would be a good time to get another onyx. It may help them pair off due to the safety in numbers thing. Then you get a nem and theyll hopefully be hosted by it.

I myself would keep the clowns to 1 pair in the tank, but others will tell you you can have more and they have had more and they were fine. I usually go on the side of caution. Id be happier with 1 cool pair of black onyx and then other fish than 2 or more pairs that fight from time to time. Up to you

Just remember one thing about tangs also- they say 75 gallons or better. The real thing they need is a long tank, 6 foot or more would be best. They need length to swim as they grow, just stating it in case you get tempted to go tang crazy lol. Theyre beautiful fish, but just always keep in mind no matter what fish you get ask yourself do you think theyd be happy fully grown in your tank.

Good luck....Jimmy


NYC girl looking for nemo
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Jimmy, Thanks for your post.

What I care the most is to have a happy fish. So I think my next step is to get another onyx fish, right now I have both fishes in a quarantine tank due to ick, they are healthy now, but we are being extra caution and we are going to let them there for 6 weeks before going back to the big tank. I don't have anemone yet, so I hope that helps when I add the new fish. I don't want to buy the fish now b/c I don't have another hospital tank, so I want to wait until my hospital tank is empty again (around 2 weeks) so I can quarantine the new fish. My onyx is very sweet fish, but of course I don't know if his personally will change when I add the new fish, so I rather being in the safe side before adding a new fish. I just love the snowflake clown and I wish I had researched more before adding the onyx fish. But that was my mistake and I'm attached to my onyx fish that I rather keep him safe and happy than add a fish I like but would make a war in my tank.

I love tangs, but I know they need big spaces, time will tell me what to do, for now my only tang is too small that 72 is a great size for my fish.

Thanks for your input. I love your anemone by the way

I still would like to know if someone have a different experience, thanks.


Forever Noob
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So in regards to pairing with your Onyx Clownfish you can choose a different coloration but just make sure it's a male within the Percula family of clown (False Perc, Black Perc, True Perc, Snowflake, etc.). So basically the ones that look like Nemo.

In terms of getting more pairs of clowns. I generally would recommend against it but I had put another pair of False Perculas with my existing pair by accident and they surprisingly didn't fight. In the event that they do, they will probably go to opposite ends of the tank.

You can get tangs but you'd probably have to rehome them much later on. Feel free to check out my tank... although I generally break most rules people go by lol.



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Jimmy, Thanks for your post.

What I care the most is to have a happy fish. So I think my next step is to get another onyx fish, right now I have both fishes in a quarantine tank due to ick, they are healthy now, but we are being extra caution and we are going to let them there for 6 weeks before going back to the big tank. I don't have anemone yet, so I hope that helps when I add the new fish. I don't want to buy the fish now b/c I don't have another hospital tank, so I want to wait until my hospital tank is empty again (around 2 weeks) so I can quarantine the new fish. My onyx is very sweet fish, but of course I don't know if his personally will change when I add the new fish, so I rather being in the safe side before adding a new fish. I just love the snowflake clown and I wish I had researched more before adding the onyx fish. But that was my mistake and I'm attached to my onyx fish that I rather keep him safe and happy than add a fish I like but would make a war in my tank.

I love tangs, but I know they need big spaces, time will tell me what to do, for now my only tang is too small that 72 is a great size for my fish.

Thanks for your input. I love your anemone by the way

I still would like to know if someone have a different experience, thanks.

No problemmo, anytime.

Very smart for waiting get the ick out of there and fish healthy and back into a healthy tank- which youre going to have after it running fallow for 6 weeks--You can get a snowcasso to put with your onyx. As stated by anzt you want a percula and sonowcasso, snowflakes and all those types are perculas, so make sure the one you gets a male. Hell be substantially smaller most likely but theyll pair off especially if your onyx has a sweet temperment. The one you have now wil become female and theyll be happily married- then you buy them an anemone and theyll most likely live the american dream- house, family so on lol.

Best wishes...Jimmy


A Newbie to the Reef Game
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In terms of getting more pairs of clowns. I generally would recommend against it but I had put another pair of False Perculas with my existing pair by accident and they surprisingly didn't fight. In the event that they do, they will probably go to opposite ends of the tank.

I have a percula & ocellaris that went at it for a few days...1 male 1 female and now they just rub each other....although she snaps at him every now and again if he tries to take her food


NYC girl looking for nemo
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So in regards to pairing with your Onyx Clownfish you can choose a different coloration but just make sure it's a male within the Percula family of clown (False Perc, Black Perc, True Perc, Snowflake, etc.). So basically the ones that look like Nemo.

In terms of getting more pairs of clowns. I generally would recommend against it but I had put another pair of False Perculas with my existing pair by accident and they surprisingly didn't fight. In the event that they do, they will probably go to opposite ends of the tank.

You can get tangs but you'd probably have to rehome them much later on. Feel free to check out my tank... although I generally break most rules people go by lol.


aznt, your Lemonpeel angel fish is gorgeous. I would love to have one but they say it's semi-aggressive so I rather get a coral beauty. But your fish is great eye candy.

Let me see if I'm understanding correctly, you are saying that my onyx percula fish would do well with another percula, like the snowflake or true percula clown?



NYC girl looking for nemo
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Jimmy and aznt, I think I understand now. So I can mix two perculas like onyx and snow, but not to mix an ocellaris.

That would be awesome, I think this what I'm going to do.

Thanks for your help.

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