have had mine in my bio cube for a few weeks now, and owned 1 or 2 in the past in my other tanks. everyone says they are aggressive, dont do it, they will pick on others. yeah...well everytime i had one it just swims around like a perfect little angel. never once bothered anything else in the tank. i have had the six line and eight line together, and it was fine as well. i like them, nice color, and cool looking eyes. they stay small too which is good for a smaller set up, not so much for a larger set up. if you have a larger set up you will probably never see him. longest i had one was for about a year and 1/4. grew maybe a quarter inch. biggest i ever saw him was maybe 2 inches. then he jumped. so after that i got a canopy. the one i have right now is nice, calm, and just swims around near my frag rack and eats anything i put in the tank for him. i like him and happy with him.