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New Jersey
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Owned both a 6 line wrasse and a 4 line wrasse. Both became aggresive. 4 line wrasse was suppose to be less aggresive but was harassing my clownfish in my 40 breeder tank. Maybe if you have a large tank (90+) they would be fine.


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Hudson Yards
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Stays small (around 3")
Less prone to agression than other similar wrasses
Eats bristle worms
Good-looking, active and interesting fish

Won't tolerate another of its kind or the similar looking 4 line and 8 line wrasses. So, only 1 can be kept per tank
Temperment can depend on the individual fish. Some are mild mannered others bullies. The 2 I've had over the years have both been very well behaved.


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Northern Jersey
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have had mine in my bio cube for a few weeks now, and owned 1 or 2 in the past in my other tanks. everyone says they are aggressive, dont do it, they will pick on others. yeah...well everytime i had one it just swims around like a perfect little angel. never once bothered anything else in the tank. i have had the six line and eight line together, and it was fine as well. i like them, nice color, and cool looking eyes. they stay small too which is good for a smaller set up, not so much for a larger set up. if you have a larger set up you will probably never see him. longest i had one was for about a year and 1/4. grew maybe a quarter inch. biggest i ever saw him was maybe 2 inches. then he jumped. so after that i got a canopy. the one i have right now is nice, calm, and just swims around near my frag rack and eats anything i put in the tank for him. i like him and happy with him.


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Mine is a good fish, hasn't bothered anything or other fish in the tank. I even added fish after the wrasse and it seems to ignore them. I have a 65 and added a clown and a 2 gobies after the wrasse. Doesn't bother any hermits or snails either.


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I have a 6 line and he was just chasing around both my firefish. This is the first time I have Eva seen my 6 line harass any fish . Most of the time he was swimming thru rocks

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Pros - good looking small mouthed fish.
Cons - they can be vicious. Really vicious. I have seen them tear out the stomachs of ventralis, and pester other fish into poor health and death.

If you really want one, add it last and realize that any new additions after the six line may not be tolerated by the 6 line.


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It depends on the size of your tank and other fish you want to keep. The pro is that he is a cool looking fish. The con is that he is not very sociable, slightly aggressive and doesn't like to hang out in the view. If you're set on getting one, go for it, but there are more colorful fish with more sociable personality that you might consider instead.

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