Just curious if anyone has had a 6-Line wrasse for 5+ years. I've heard their lifespan is in the 4-6 year range,...looking to confirm. I've had mine since Fall 2005 and he was about an inch long when I got him. Now he's huge and fat and a little over 3 inches. Tries to dominate my Perc Clown pair.
Recently (over the last 2-3 weeks, his behavior has changed. He doesn't harass other fish anymore and all of a sudden, he's giving way to the clowns. I feel like there was a big battle that I missed and my clowns messed him up. I can't see any body damage, he looks fine.
This all began close to the day I noticed a batch of eggs that were laid at the base of my clown's anemone were suddenly gone over night. At first I thought that maybe the anemone destroyed them. Maybe it was my 6-line who hunts my reef early in the morning before my lights come on. My clowns lay eggs all the time and it's sad. I just can't deal with trying to raise Perc Clown Fry. Too difficult, smelly, and they mature too slow. I assume it's quite common.
So Anyway, I'm thinking he ate the eggs and the clowns caught him at the end of his meal and roughed him up, making him a bit more cautious then usual. Or, maybe his change in temperament is related to age and I just haven't noticed until recently. :scratchch
Recently (over the last 2-3 weeks, his behavior has changed. He doesn't harass other fish anymore and all of a sudden, he's giving way to the clowns. I feel like there was a big battle that I missed and my clowns messed him up. I can't see any body damage, he looks fine.
This all began close to the day I noticed a batch of eggs that were laid at the base of my clown's anemone were suddenly gone over night. At first I thought that maybe the anemone destroyed them. Maybe it was my 6-line who hunts my reef early in the morning before my lights come on. My clowns lay eggs all the time and it's sad. I just can't deal with trying to raise Perc Clown Fry. Too difficult, smelly, and they mature too slow. I assume it's quite common.
So Anyway, I'm thinking he ate the eggs and the clowns caught him at the end of his meal and roughed him up, making him a bit more cautious then usual. Or, maybe his change in temperament is related to age and I just haven't noticed until recently. :scratchch