Hey all - I have a borbonius anthias that has been a complete pig ever since I got him about 4 months ago. I usually feed once or twice a day garlic soaked mysis (to which he was always the first to gobble up) and was even eating pellets consistantly for about 2 months. A few days ago (just got back from a week at work in chicago) I noticed he lost some of his pinkish hue and was hiding a bit more. Usually swims about vigorously. He's been picking here and there at some mysis but casually staring at it. I thought it might be due to not performing my weekly water change, did one last night and another tomorrow, or maybe its the heat? Even though I have a chiller, I know he's a deepwater fish. He's quite big and 3 years old, bought him from a used tank. Tried adding bloodworms to the diet today, but he didn't take. I'm going to try and feed multiple times daily and lower the chiller temp....... any other ideas??????? Has this happened to anyone else?? Should I be worried??? I have previously lost a school of dispars who stopped eating as well and I don't want to lose this guy! Help!