i have had my 2 ora naked clowns for around 4 months or so, they were fighting at first like crazy. Then finally stopped and seemed to be peaceful for the past 3 months. kinda never paired but never fought. they both eat like pigs...Now this week all of a sudden they are fighting ALL day long. 1 is larger than the other and is constantly bullying the other one...the smaller one does fight back tho...seems like the big one just bullies but doesn't bite hard...but the little one seems to be tearing the big ones fins up. Im guessing they are both females? would separating them be the best option right now? or just wait a little and let nature run its course.
the smaller one never initiates but the large one always charges and will constantly attack the other
the smaller one never initiates but the large one always charges and will constantly attack the other
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