Have any of you seen this behavior before? Its either this little &8^^%$ or a massive red hermit crab. Thoughts? Its a very small wrasse I used to use to keep flatworms in check years ago.
I have a 6 line and snails in the tank and he leaves them alonee hermits he leaves alone. The only thing he bothers is the corals to feed when they have food on them, I dont trust crabs in general
lol just toss him n your sump lol he is better off there I had a snail no joke ate 5 polp. of my aog's and i was mad I took him out tossed him in the sump.
I have turbo snails in the tank and never once have I seen my wrass eat a snail, I think they get a bad wrap, I have had the snail as long as the wrass and it leaves it alone.
man my 6line is a wuss.i have had him for 2 years and its a perfect resident.i have no pods, but hey he is extrmely peaceful.my small perc clown chases him when he gets to close to its toadstool.