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Westchester, NY
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Hi. I had just begun my new lionfish tank one and a half weeks ago. My lionfish seemed fine after I bought him. On sunday I went to get more live food since I am trying to ween the lionfish to frozen. The lionfish didn't eat any food. Yesterday I found the lionfish had missing skin behind his wing and I saw his flesh. Could someone please help? Thanks


Westchester, NY
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It's in a 14 gallon biocube which the store said it would be fine in. (Zebra dwarf lion by the way). It is completely cycled because I took water from my 55 gallon and put it in the biocube. I just did a 33% water change sunday. All water parameters seem fine. Thanks.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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The store would tell you the animal can be kept in a 1 gallon just to sell it to you, or simply because they know no better.
Do you have live rock in this tank? Where did you get the live rock? Was it 100% cured live rock?


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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A 14gal bio-cube is to small for a lion fish, even a dwarf one. It's fine that you took the water from another cycled tank but that doesn't make this tank cycled. You need some type of bacteria, whether it's a filter with media, bio balls or live rocks.

I'm guessing the tank isn't cycled and the Lion fish wounds are from ammonia and nitrites.

You need to remove the fish and test the water to see that the cycle is complete. At that point you can place the fish back in.


Westchester, NY
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I have live rock which is 100% cured. It looks very good quality. I tested my water with six in one strip and nitrates and ammonia seem perfectly normal. Also the biocube has bioballs in the back.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Regardless of how the Live rock looks it's the levels that you need to be concerned with. The 6 in one test kits aren't the best, you should get a good kit and retest the water. The ammonia and nitrites should be zero, unless they are then your tank isn't cycled. Once they're both zero check the Nitrates and if they're not zero do a water change to bring them down close to zero. Also the bio-balls in the back are only going to produce nitrates, you can remove them especially since you're using Live rock.


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A 14 gal.cube with live rock does'nt have 14 gals. of water in it .I'm still leaning towards the feeder fish.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Dre, I've raised a few volitans in my days. Always fed them feeders while weening them to frozen, and never had a problem. I still say the tank is not ready for fish, not to mention that dwarf lions are not as sturdy as the volitans.IMO

I'm with Barrie, see if you can find someone to house it for you. Better yet return it to the idiot that said a 14 gallon tank is big enough...


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Dre, I've raised a few volitans in my days. Always fed them feeders while weening them to frozen, and never had a problem. I still say the tank is not ready for fish, not to mention that dwarf lions are not as sturdy as the volitans.IMO

I'm with Barrie, see if you can find someone to house it for you. Better yet return it to the idiot that said a 14 gallon tank is big enough...
Lucky you .I'v had negative results with groupers and lionfish being fed on feederfish.I'm not saying his water quality is out of the question.Water quality is always a possibility.
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Dre, I wasn't trying to put you or your experience down!! Not my style. I was simply stating that I never had problems using feeders while weening. Here's the thing I only fed once every 3 or 4 days, and had them weened by the 2nd. week. My lions, groupers, and cichlids were not raised on feeder fish. So may be that is why my fish, and I were blessed.;)

Sorry if I stepped on your toes.....


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Dre, I wasn't trying to put you or your experience down!! Not my style. I was simply stating that I never had problems using feeders while weening. Here's the thing I only fed once every 3 or 4 days, and had them weened by the 2nd. week. My lions, groupers, and cichlids were not raised on feeder fish. So may be that is why my fish, and I were blessed.;)

Sorry if I stepped on your toes.....
LOL.No you did'nt step on my toes LOL.I'v tried the feederfish if the fish refuse to eat and then ween with good results but when i started keeping Groupers, triggers and lionfish i use to feed them exclusively on live feederfish.For some reason the triggers never got sick.I don't keep those aggresive fish anymore but i do miss them.:inlove:


and I put him in my tank
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Housing a lionfish in a 14 gallon biocube!? I have a 14 gallon and wouldn't put anything bigger than medium occelaris in it. I measured the actual volume of water that is in the tank one day (becuase I was moving), gallon by gallon and there is only about 7 gallons of actual water space in the tank.
I have had a 14 gallon biocube for several years now and through trial and error have found that nitrates, phosphates, and ammonia are EASILY spiked beacause of the simplest smallest change. Your water changes on it sound like too much, and are creating ammonia spikes by doing so.

Simply put, a 14 gallon tank is much too small for any lionfish, even if they call him a "dwarf". Just because someone at the fish store says its okay, that dosent actually make it "okay". I was told that I could keep a yellow tang in a 3 gallon tank one time, and I almost punched the dude.

Your lionfish is ill because your water quality is poor and possible stress caused by the limited space. And your killing the poor thing with your arrogance.

btw, lose the bio balls. Its great if you have a freshwater tank, but awful for saltwater.
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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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And your killing the poor thing with your arrogance.

Wow, those are harsh words. And in my opinion not necessary. The person is asking for help, we as good stewards should do all we can to help without personal attacks. I don't believe this new person is being arrogant, but definitely mis guided.

BTW, this is how alot drama on the site begins.:sad2:

Dre, glad to know I didn't step on your toes. And I miss my groupers, triggers, lion fish most of all. But with my eels groupers and triggers are out, but I will eventually get another lion.;)
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and I put him in my tank
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The person asking for help is ignoring the helpful information being given to him by stating "my paramenters are fine because i tested everything and everything is normal even though I just set up the tank a week ago".

When the truth is....if everything was indeed normal and dandy, the fish wouldnt be ill in the first place.

I apologize for the harsh words but keeping the lionfish in that tank is cruel and this person is blatantly ignoring the fact that it is because of his own selfishness to keep the poor fish.


Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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The tank is indeed small. But like others pointed out, it's probably because the tank is not cycled yet.

It's not only the water, it's your filter that matters. I place my fish in the hospital tank to treat for ich. The tank was filled with cycled water from the main tank, but it took me almost 3 weeks and a full 5 gallon buckets of salt (for 30% daily water change because of hight ammonia and nitrite) before the tank is really cycled.

The test trip is known for inaccurate. Get the liquid test kit, that'll tell you the exact parameters.

Act quick or the poor fish dies.



Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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The person asking for help is ignoring the helpful information being given to him by stating "my paramenters are fine because i tested everything and everything is normal even though I just set up the tank a week ago".

When the truth is....if everything was indeed normal and dandy, the fish wouldnt be ill in the first place.

I apologize for the harsh words but keeping the lionfish in that tank is cruel and this person is blatantly ignoring the fact that it is because of his own selfishness to keep the poor fish.

mrlimpet, has not posted back since he was asked to rehome the lion. Perhaps he has, hope he did.

To me it is ignorance not arrogance. And ignorance because I know the majority of us were ignorant when we first began this hobby. A lot of us went by what the lfs told us, because we believed them to be knowledgeable on the subject at hand. Yes, we were ignorant (I prefer inocent though) to the fact that these people are just business people only interested in the mighty dollar. Until we found wonderful forums like this one that we are all part of, which taught us right from wrong.;)
No hard feelings IFoundNemo! Just trying to keep the peace.;)

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