My Coral Beauty has been doing very well in my tank. Great color etc... came home and saw him on his side under a rock. Hes still alive and is laboring, any ideas? Doing an immediate water change.
All other Corals, Fish & Inverts look to be in good shape
Tank Conditions:
Temp Held Steady at 78 with a chiller
SG - 1.0245
NH4 between .25 - .50
NO3 between 0 - 2.5
PO4 - to come
All other Corals, Fish & Inverts look to be in good shape
Tank Conditions:
Temp Held Steady at 78 with a chiller
SG - 1.0245
NH4 between .25 - .50
NO3 between 0 - 2.5
PO4 - to come