Pipefish Are Very Hard To Keep, You Have To Have A Super Calm Fish And Non Aggressive Eater With Them, I Kept A Yellow Watchman With Mine With No Problems
It depends on how much food you are willing to put in the tank. If you don't want to overfeed, then seahorses should be kept with non-aggressive feeders. If you are willing to pump tons of food into the tank and/or spot feed your sea horses, then there are a lot more options open to you.
I kinda had the same question and i dont want to post on a new thread. im thinking a 12 or 24 aquapod and they would be by themselves or with neon gobie(s).
Neon gobies are nice. I have one. But they are not slow. SH are slow and a neon goby is like a vacume cleaner when food is in the tank. They will not leave much for the horses to eat. If you feed the horses food that is too big for the gobies it might work. Clown gobies might be better.