I have a 75 lps, zoas and mushroom reef with about 125 lbs of LR. My tank had been empty for 8 weeks because of ich and im going to be restocking it slowly starting this week with a copperband butterfly im going to get on wednsday. My first two copperbands died and im hoping this will be the one that survives since he is the first fish and he has been eating at the lfs. I was thinking about a few stocking plans to finish it. Are dwarf fuzzy lions coral safe? The only inverts I have are two mythrax crabs who I never see in 125 lbs of LR and I wouldn't even care if they got eaten, and alot of turbo snails. I had a dwarf lion before and unfortunately he had the same fate as the first two copperbands (im not as bad of a reefer as I sound). I know they are pretty placid. What are the chances of success if I stock him after the butterfly. I would probably then finish it with a school of cardinals and maybe something else small.