I have been noticing for the past couple of days that my Naso Tang has something wrong with his mouth. It looks like his lips are peeling, it looks like it starts from the inside of his mouth and then reaches the outside edge. Where the lips are supposed to be orange thay seem a little dull. He hasn't seem to have changed lately, he eats like a pig and is very active. It doesn't seem to bother him at all, and none of the other fish seem to be showing any similiar signs or anything else out of the ordinary. I have had him for about two years and no new fish have been added for at least a year and a half. I have been soaking the food in Garlic Extreme. Has anybody ever come across this problem in the past or know what this could be? I have seen bacterial infections on fish before but this just looks more like his lips are shedding. I was thinking of dosing what vitamin C, any thoughts on that either? Thanks in advance!