I brought home four clown gobies from AH yesterday. I acclimated and released them into my quarantine tank and a few hours later realized that I never even checked the SG of the tank after having mixed up a new batch of SW for it the day before. No biggie I figured since the directions usually result in water with a SG of 1.021-1.023. I dont know what I did ( I should stop working on my tanks when I'm exhausted ) but somehow the SG was 1.032 ( or possibly higher but thats the top of the range )!
Somehow the fish survived this overnight ( one died but I found it sucked into the maxijet so I dont know what exactly killed it first and the maxijet was since removed ) and I started exchanging some of the water for new RO/DI to start bringing down the SG. I'm worried about doing this too fast and shocking them further but I dont want to do it too slowly and let them be killed by that either. I also dont want to introduce them into my DT without a proper quarantine especially since they were from a fresh shipment at the LFS. What do I do ?:help::banghead: