- Location
- long island
The skimmer I have now is a coral life 65 works amazing and hangs off the tank. I do have a nother problem thought. I bought a hawlkfish and a balsset and already have had a cromis for a week and a half. I dripped the fish for a hour and checked the levels of the tank before and after i added the fish. They ate fine and then i added some water from my r/di. The next morning i noticed the fish were not eating and in respiratory distress. They are breathing very fast and not moving that much. So last night i ran the ro and took out the origional filter pad i had and cleaned it off in the tank water i had tanken out in my bucket. The filter pad was clogged like you would not bleave and it is like i stated the origional pad that i got with the tank that the guy had. The tank has been running for a total of 3 weeks now and I have checked the levels over and over still everything is 0 ph is 8.2 and the temp is 76 and the salt is in the right area. I have the skimmer running and yes it did add some bubbles in the tank but not alot. I did notice that the biowheel was not moving that much when the pad was clogged so hence I thought that may be the problem. Any advice would be great ( and yes i know the hawlk is going to out grow the tank)
I did notice this started when i added the skimmer :irked::irked:
I did notice this started when i added the skimmer :irked::irked: