Hello Guys,
I know that it really is case specific but I just want to get your input on my Livestock. I am running an EuroReef ES5-2 Skimmer with Sedra 3500 Pump.
How many more fish can I put in?
Any fish you think I should take out?
I have a 54 Gallon Corner Tank with the following fish
1 Medium Sized Yellow Tang
1 Nickel Sized Hippo Tang
2 False Percula Clownfish about 1.3 inches each
1 Blue Devil Damsel
1 Firefish
1 Pearly Jawfish
1 Engineer Goby
1 Hawaiin Cleaner Wrasse
1 Midas Blenny (2.2 inches)
Possibly... (Fish I haven't seen for 3 days)
1 Royal Gramma (1 inch size)
I am pretty sure the Purple Queen Anthias died.
Want to Add
Tail Spot Blenny
I know that it really is case specific but I just want to get your input on my Livestock. I am running an EuroReef ES5-2 Skimmer with Sedra 3500 Pump.
How many more fish can I put in?
Any fish you think I should take out?
I have a 54 Gallon Corner Tank with the following fish
1 Medium Sized Yellow Tang
1 Nickel Sized Hippo Tang
2 False Percula Clownfish about 1.3 inches each
1 Blue Devil Damsel
1 Firefish
1 Pearly Jawfish
1 Engineer Goby
1 Hawaiin Cleaner Wrasse
1 Midas Blenny (2.2 inches)
Possibly... (Fish I haven't seen for 3 days)
1 Royal Gramma (1 inch size)
I am pretty sure the Purple Queen Anthias died.
Want to Add
Tail Spot Blenny