hi guys i got a yellow tang and my ? is i feed it green algea strips 2 times a day and i feed cyclops ezz but it seems to me like he doesnt like it, well my ? is how long does it take for him to get nice a fat?
there is really no right answer, depending on the fish itself. How are you figuring that the fish does not like the food you are feeding it? Is it eating and spitting it out?
Check for ich,I have a clown tang and all it eats is algae off the rocks and nothing else except when I fed the corals cyclop-eez.No ich on him and surprised that it's alive all this time.Might take some time before it adapts and eats.
If he does cruse around and nip on your rocks, then they will slowly starting to eat your nori, well most of the time. I also find that if you rubber band the nori on a LR, they will start nipping the nori quicker then nori on a clip. Twice a day with nori rock is a good start, along with your regular feeding to the other fishes. He will learn to eat with the gang.
But really the key is patience and a healthy specimen, plus Tangs aren't that quick of a learner. mines anyway... Takes awhile to get them to eat all kinds of food.