i think im going to take the chance and go with the heniochus. Many professionals claim they are pretty reef safe, and im stubborn enough to chance it. I didnt want to make another thread, so ill post on this one. Im basically finishing up my "stocking list". I wanted to know if this is reasonable and appropriate for my tank, i dont want anything dying. My tank is a 75. Coralife 125 superskimmer. One five gal fuge, one ten gal. 110 Lbs lr. 75 lbs live sand. My tank is finally done cycling. I have two ocellaris clowns. I would like to add: two heniochus diphreutes, one kole tang, two golden head sleeper gobies, two neon gobies, one sixline wrasse or some kind of flasher or fairy wrasse. Is this tank over stocked?? Could i add a pair of lyretail anthias? What should i do to modify if there is something awry.