Save ur money and don't try a copperband butterfly and if you do try him you can not do any inverts-shrimps and snails and he has a 85% chance he will eat all of your coral. Also a flame angel is only 70% reef safe, you putting him with corals is risky (I would not take the chance, I have heard too many stories of them not working in a reef), also sleeper head gobies are the only large goby to can be kept in a pair and they do better in a pair, so i would get 2. Also, the anthias will die if you only have 2, anithas need to be in groups of at least 3, and they have to be kept in a 2(female) to 1(male) ratio. If you do not follow this ratio they will die. Lastly, the pair of clowns will not be a pair for to much longer, the only problem you will incounter is in about 2-5 years depending on the size of the clowns is that they will kill each other. The problem with getting 2 of them is until clowns reach maturity they do not have a gender, when they mature they pick a gender (male or female), if you end up with 2 males they will kill each other or if you get 2 females they will kill each other. The only way they will get along is if you have a male and female, and even then you still can have a problem because after they mature and choose a gender, they can change that gender. So if you do end up with a male and female, the male can change to a female and they will kill each other. The one way you can 2 of them and be 90% positive that they won't kill each other is if you buy a mated pair. If you get a mated pair since the male and female are happy together they will most likey in change gender, but if they become unhappy with each other, one will change gender and kill the other one. I had a friend who bought 2 onyx clown fish (rare black clowns with 3 white stripes and a brownish orange nose) as babies, he brought each one for a 150 bucks. When they matured one was a male and the other a female, they were living happy together for 5 years and one day the female changed to a male and attacked the other one. Fortunately, he saved the attacked one and actually gave it to me. If I was going to sell that fish me local fish store would give me 200 bucks for the fish (nice profit).