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Food Recommendation for Tangs,
I have 5 Tangs in my tank and am looking to buy the best veggie food available for them, Can anyone suggest a good food,


Advanced Reefer
Throggs Neck, BX
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I have the Ocean Nutrition Seaweed stuff, cant remember the name but my yellow tang goes ape spit over it. Mind you it was a little weary of it first becaue it was a foreign object clipped to another foreign object. That took about a week. I also use the Ocean Nutrition spriulina flakes.


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i have never bought nori at a store, whats it look like and how do you feed on a clip, does it need any type of special cleaning.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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Do you have /can you take a picture of the bag of food you use?

No :( Everytime I go, it seems there's a different bag there. The sheets always look like this though:

Here's a few samples of the bags though:



Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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i have never bought nori at a store, whats it look like and how do you feed on a clip, does it need any type of special cleaning.

No cleaning required. I usually fold a sheet into a 2" x 1" square and stick it into this. I have the clip glued to a Mag-Float so I can move it anywhere on the glass.



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Thank you all for your reply (dean,randy,alex,george,rgun,russ) I will be running out to buy some today and will order some OSI Spirulina flake.


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Throggs Neck, BX
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I would recommend getting the sheets of the seaweed as well since it is a good supplimental food for lawn mower blennys if you have them as well as snails and crabs. I have a blue streak cleaner wrasse that nips on it from time to time.


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which are better to use the flakes or pellet, i'm not crazy about sheet that have to be placed in tank, i hate putting my hands in tank, i use sheets of algae i have and usually just rip into small pieces and just throw in the tank


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Vernon, NJ
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I feed my tangs and angels
formula one and two pellets
dried Nori from Asian market
the green sheets and the red nori
the red stuff come sin a pancake shape and looks shredded
IMHO when they eat the red stuff the color seems to get better
my tangs and angels are pigs They eat anything I put in tank with a vengeance!


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Throggs Neck, BX
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Pellets are cool but the ONutritions ones tend to sink a little fast. The flakes tend to sit in the water column a little better. I agree on the hands in tank problem, thats why I have a set of aqua tongs. I prefer the sheets personally because its a little bit more natural feeding than the flakes.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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i'm not crazy about sheet that have to be placed in tank, i hate putting my hands in tank, i use sheets of algae i have and usually just rip into small pieces and just throw in the tank

That's why mine is attached to a Mag-Float. My hands never get wet and I don't have bits of uneaten Nori floating all over the tank...they usually end up stuck in the overflow's teeth or on a powerhead :mad:


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That's why mine is attached to a Mag-Float. My hands never get wet and I don't have bits of uneaten Nori floating all over the tank...they usually end up stuck in the overflow's teeth or on a powerhead :mad:
Dean, I cannot put a magfloat in my tank as to the tank is 3/4 thick. i do have a pirrahna cleaner but did not want to glue to it, but don't think i have a choice

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