Ok So I will set up a hospital tank. Adjust diet for future, get the uv light going.
wish me luck keep the advice flowing. Thanks for being responsive.
to answer seans questions
How many fish and how large are they?
14, range from 2 inch blenny to 5 inch trigger
When was the last time you added fish and how many was added?
2, Clown trigger, and A Fiji Puffer
Did anything dramatic happen in your tank like a large water change, change in temperature or salinity?
I did a 25 % change and temp and salinity matched exact.
Does your AC blow onto your fish tank at night causing it to cool down at night then warm up in the morning?
I have been monitoring tank temp i even get up at night around 3 am to make sure its steady.
Have the fish been eating a varied diet?
yes, pellets, misis, and flake
Do they still have an appetite? HUGE
Do you test and if so how are your parameters?
Everything is good no ammonia, salinity stable, nitrite is almost nothing, nitrate is at 0.
It's good to know the cause of the problem so it can be avoided in the future.
I think it was either water change ( i also moved around my rock), or the adding of the fish.