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how do I know if My fish has ich or velvet? They look the same. My clownfish is covered with white spots. It started off 2 days ago with. I went to aqua hut and they sold me ruby reef Kick-ich they said to put it into the fish tank to treat the whole tank. I did that 2 days ago. I woke up this morning and he looks 100 x worse. What should I do? Should I give him a fresh water dip? Should I get meds to treat Velvet? Will Ich meds treat velvet? I noticed some websites say its the same thing.



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It probably looks worse because the "treatment" caused more stress. Quarantine your fish in a slightly lower salinity tank to reduce it's stress. A pic wouldn't hurt either.


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I all for fresh water dip but you need to rember the life cycle of ich to get rid of it
do you have a reef or fish only?


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Ok I just did a fresh water dip. I left him in there for about 10 mins. Took him out of the fresh water and put him into a hospital tank. Im not sure if I should treat him with the ruby reef kick ick med or if I should go get him something for Velvet. Im still not sure if he has velvet or ich. None of the websites show any good pics of it. And I cant get a good pic of him :(


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Melville, NY
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I had a problem with Ich on only my Royal Gramma. Every other fish was fine. I tried the kick ich also but it didnt help. What did help seemed to be time along with soaking the frozen food in a garlic extract to help boost the fishes immunity system. Long story short, a few weeks later and there were no more outbreaks. The only way to make sure your fish wont get ich again would be to use a quarantine tank and remove ALL fish from the main tank. Ich can't survive without any fish hosts. You can then treat the fish with either a copper med or hyposalinity. And you have to keep them out of the display tank for 6-8 weeks I believe to ensure that the ich goes through the full lifecycle and dies off, otherwise you run the rish of your fish catching it again when they're returned. Some things to consider here, the stress of moving a sick fish may make it worse. If your clown is eating well and doesnt have any labored breathing, I would consider letting him be, stop the kick ich treatment and see what happens. And consider getting something like Garlic Extreme or Garlic Elixer to soak the food in (cant do it with dry flakes thoough). Is he flashing against the rocks (quickly darting across them like his scratching himself)?

Check out the thread about my ich problem. Hope this helps, and good luck.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Ok I just did a fresh water dip. I left him in there for about 10 mins. Took him out of the fresh water and put him into a hospital tank. Im not sure if I should treat him with the ruby reef kick ick med or if I should go get him something for Velvet. Im still not sure if he has velvet or ich. None of the websites show any good pics of it. And I cant get a good pic of him :(

Don't do fresh water baths or dips, they don't work for ich and only stress out the fish more.

Since you have him in a hospital tank you should treat with copper, which will work for both ich and marine velvet. First get a copper kit, as you need to measure the level of copper. If you don't treat at the correct level it doesn't work. Then get some copper and bring the level up to 2.5 over a day or two. Treat for about 4 - 6 weeks.


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well after all my research I believe he has brookylnella. Does anyone know how to treat this and if they were able to treat a fish with it. The petstore said most of the time you cant treat it. My clown does have two cloudy eyes and is hanging on the bottom of the tank. Skin has all white spots all over him


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Thanks everyone. I just got home from the pet store and they sold me meds for him. Its Instant Ocean Lifeguard Its a 5 day treatment. The guy said he has used it before for brooklynella and it works wonders. So I just put the right treatment in the tank so lets pray that this helps my baby.


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If it is ich, just like Cibo said, it's all about the life cycle. You'll need a reef safe treatment and when the ich goes through it's next cycle you'll need a reef safe medication that prevents the ich from re-attaching itself to fish. That's the only way that I know of to kill it off w/o taking your fish out of your reef. I'ce used Pro-biotic Marine Formula with some good luck. It also treats some other stuff too.


Barnum Island
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If it is ich, just like Cibo said, it's all about the life cycle. You'll need a reef safe treatment and when the ich goes through it's next cycle you'll need a reef safe medication that prevents the ich from re-attaching itself to fish. That's the only way that I know of to kill it off w/o taking your fish out of your reef. I'ce used Pro-biotic Marine Formula with some good luck. It also treats some other stuff too.

I am sure that members here all mean well by the advice they offer in these posts on sick fish, once again, I feel I need to point out that there is NO ich treatment that is reef safe.

Will a few whose think their fish have Ich have some success by feeding the fish food soaked in garlic, yes, but more than likely they would have had the same amount of success had they not. Some fish will fight off the Ich but that is not the majority of fish, is that a chance you want to take?

The ONLY product in a bottle that is proven to cure ich is COPPER. Period. And even copper may not help if you have waited too long.
If your fish has ich, move it to a QT tank and either treat it with copper (proper dose using a test kit to confirm) or Hyposalinity.

Here is a write up from WetWebMedia on ProBiotic..these people are not in the business of giving out lousy advice...imo, and many others...
Probiotic Marine Formula 3/20/08
Hello-can't find much info on this product's effectiveness or actual intended use.
<Active ingredients sodium chloride and Nitrofurazone.>
The few complaints I have seen on forums claim it did not cure Ich infections in their display tank.
<The active ingredients in this product can not treat parasitic infections.>
I purchased a bottle and the label does not state that treating the display tank for sick fish is it's purpose. The only information on the bottle is it is to be used for preventive maintenance.
<Bet lawyers had a hand in that.>
I just wanted to know if this product can prevent healthy fish from getting bacterial infections, specifically Vibrio and if it is safe for my display tank
without any long term negative effects.
Thanks, Dane
<I would not treat the tank prophylacticallly and I have my doubts that this product will prevent much of anything.>
<Chris><<Well-stated Chris... right to the point... RMF>>

If you do not already know the wording in < > are the comments from the staff at WWM.

Jaynie..any update of your fish?​


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