I have been buying chromis as feeder fish...I like the color/movement the chromis bring to the tank...angler eats about 4x 1"-1.5" when he is hungry....about 6-8 chromis per week, which seems like alot, but it has only been 2 weeks....
The angler also ate my peppermint shrimp(who had been eating zoas and LPS) so Im very happy about that, I may have placed them alone in a bucket when I was moving.....
OH YEAH.......... the color of the angler has changed....he is now a black/yellow mix, with the red patches still...he has done this b/c my tank has "dark" rocks, and it wanted to blend in better....sometimes at night, I cant find the angler b/c it blends in so well....and people can never find him when I say, "look at this fish"....he is so cool....
I dont think it will eat my harlequin...the harley is often near the angler, and the angler pays no attention to the harley, even when the angler is "fishing" for other fish.....the clowns seem to know to stay away also, even when the chunk of cyclopeeze floats near the angler, the clowns stop chasing it, and retreat...its all very cool