I picked up a pair of unmated onyx percs from Essex/Hester pet shop.
7 bucks a piece. I am trying to get them to pair up breed etc. So far the little one hides in the corner and the female to be is gorging her self on a daily supply of BBS and fish food. The juvie male gets his fare share too, don't worry. I was wondering if anyone has tried this techique to promote spawning. And yes I will add a photo soon.
7 bucks a piece. I am trying to get them to pair up breed etc. So far the little one hides in the corner and the female to be is gorging her self on a daily supply of BBS and fish food. The juvie male gets his fare share too, don't worry. I was wondering if anyone has tried this techique to promote spawning. And yes I will add a photo soon.