My set-up currently consists of a 30 gallon tank, 10 gallon sump, protein skimmer, Fluval 304, 40? (50?) pounds of live rock, lots of macro algae, wall to wall corals (my friends are threatening an intervention if I go to another frag swap).
The current occupants are a pair of Occelaris, a pair of skunk cleaners, and a mandarin. I know, I know, but the mandarin is a year old, and fat. In addition to the rockwork in tank, there's algae and rock in the sump, the algae in the overflow that's serving as an in tank refugium, and the rock and filter media of the Fluval. I think the Fluval might be the secret horde of copepods if the numbers of Amphipods living there are any indication.
Anyway, can I fit another fish or two, and if so, what are my options?
I'm leaning towards a midas blenny, a firefish, or a flame angel. Will one or two of these be acceptable?
And, (risking the anger of the other half of the board) I was considering temporarily borrowing a juvenile yellow tang to help with the red algae that has grown in all the difficult to reach spots (I'll return the tang before I add any other fish, of course).
Thoughts? Suggestions? Criticisms?
The current occupants are a pair of Occelaris, a pair of skunk cleaners, and a mandarin. I know, I know, but the mandarin is a year old, and fat. In addition to the rockwork in tank, there's algae and rock in the sump, the algae in the overflow that's serving as an in tank refugium, and the rock and filter media of the Fluval. I think the Fluval might be the secret horde of copepods if the numbers of Amphipods living there are any indication.
Anyway, can I fit another fish or two, and if so, what are my options?
I'm leaning towards a midas blenny, a firefish, or a flame angel. Will one or two of these be acceptable?
And, (risking the anger of the other half of the board) I was considering temporarily borrowing a juvenile yellow tang to help with the red algae that has grown in all the difficult to reach spots (I'll return the tang before I add any other fish, of course).
Thoughts? Suggestions? Criticisms?
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