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best I can do.....
He doesnt seem to exhibit any of the signs Ive read about...no rubbing against anything...no slime....what else should I be looking for?

Kathy...I couldnt open the link you gave me...it kept freezing my computer
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no actually aiptasia are these anemone that dont contain the slime a lta or bta would have its also called glass anemone because it has a potent sting like glass not suitable for any clown

also most shrimp wont eat them unless you have alot of them

there terrible to have the black spots will grow alot more if you dont stop it now
mine had them fr 3 weeks still doing well just really black now these will go away after doage give it a few days to a week


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lissa, thats what I thought.....I got rid of the torch 2 days ago.....
I will see what happens, with my luck its a disease....ill keep you updated
I know about aiptasia...even got a peppermint to at them, but the peppermint is eating every other coral I have and not the aiptasia...I will get him out asap


The All Powerful OZ
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It's hard to tell from the picture but it could be black ich, new markings on the fish as it gets older, or marks from touching or hosting corals. The black spot are usually very easy to see when a fish has it, the look like someone put pepper on the fish or small pin heads.

Check it up against the picture I attached. The one on the Top is "Black Ich" the one of the Bottom is "Black Spot" that Clowns get from hosting corals and anemones over time.

From the picture you posted it looks like it's just the black marks that a Clown gets when they start to host a coral or anemones. I wouldn't worry to much about it.

As for signs of Black ich, well outside of the black spot a lot of time there are no other signs at first, like scratching, breathing hard or flashing when a fish has ich. Usually the fish will just die from the infection unless treated or a secondary infections happens which will kill the fish very fast.

What you want to do is use Formaldehyde 37% solution, not the lower dosage they sell in most LFS. You then need to do 2 - 3 baths, this should take care of the problem.

Formaldehyde is very dangerous and you need to use gloves and eye protection. You should also use a container that you can throw away after you're done treating. Unless the fish is very expensive it maybe better to try and do some fresh water baths, for about 20-30 min each, and see if that works, than starting a treatment with Formaldehyde.
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a couple of questions

are the spots in the same place on the body or do they seem to be moving from day to day. I know it's a hard question but try it with two pictures from one day to the next.

Is the fish scratching or not?

Is the fish panting or acting "strange" "uncomfortable" or stressed.

If the answers are all no then it's probably not Black ich. If you're still concerned give him a FW dip and some of the spots should come off. You may want to take before and after pictures. If no spots came off and are exactly where they were before you dipped the fish then I'd say it's not Black ich.


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It looks alot like the 2nd pic by marrone...i think there re more black dots today than yesterday....

The fish is doing nothing out of the ordinary(no rubbing, no heavy breathing, none of the normal signs)...but I havent seen it hosting any corals/anemone....
Im going to keep watching...

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